Recommended Reading:
Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction, Patrick Carnes, Hazelden Information Education, second edition, 1992.
False Intimacy: Understanding the Struggle of Sexual Addiction, Harry W. Schaumburg, NavPress, 1997.
Addicted to "Love": Understanding Dependencies of the Heart: Romance, Relationships and Sex, Stephen Arterburn, Servant Publications, 1996.
Faithful and True: Sexual Integrity in a Fallen World, Mark Laaser, Zondervan Publishing House, 1996.
Professional Counseling: - This is a wonderful web site supported by the Woodmont Hills Church of Christ in Nashville, TN. Extremely informative and helpful. Many excellent resources, available books and links. Dr. Mark Laaser is one of the best in the field. - Dr. Ralph Earle heads Professional Counseling Services in Scottsdale, AZ. Dr. Earle is frequently heard on Focus on the Family. Intensive Workshops range from 1 week to multiple weeks. Highly recommended. - Men's Outreach, a division of American Family Association provides help for sexual addiction.
Finding a local professional counselor:
- Ask other recovering people for recommendations.
- Ask other mental health professionals for counselors trained in addictions.
- Contact your local drug and alcohol council for referrals.
- Check the listing of therapists who are members of the National Council on Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity.
- For specifically Christian counselors, check the listing of therapists who are members of an organization like the American Association of Christian Counselors. (Note: This is a general listing and members may not be familiar with sexual addiction.)
Questions to ask when interviewing a professional counselor:
- Are you specifically trained in treating sexual addictions?
- Have you heard of Patrick Carnes?
- Do you recommend the 12 Step program of recovery?
- Do you work from a trauma-based model in treating addictions?
- How many sexually addicted clients have you treated?
- What's your definition of sexual sobriety?
- How do you treat co-sex addiction? What about couples?
12 Step Groups
- For an excellent listing, see "resources" at National ministries include Sexaholics Anonymous, Sex Addicts Anonymous, and Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous.
- To start a 12 Step program at your church, I recommend Celebrate Recovery, or Faithful and True.