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Blessed Christmas! In a year of trouble, sorrow, isolation, and loss, our prayer is that you can experience the presence of Immanuel in your life! Red Boots and Christmas How do we give the gift of legacy this Christmas, and not just give more stuff that will end up in a landfill a few years from now? Beyond Trite Slogans to Real Help How can we say these things and really mean them when trying to help those who hurt? Sowing to the Spirit: Finding Power from on High We can trust God's promises that the Spirit is at work in us! He Came to a World We Know Jesus entered a world we recognize as our own. He did it to redeem us from the messes we have brought on ourselves. Come Home Quickly, Hallelujah I know my heavenly Father is looking forward to having me home to enjoy the celebration with him and his other children. Even Though They Are Small? If we are not careful, the challenges of the moment can wilt the joy right out of our Thanksgiving. Free to Become Thoughts of freedom permeate the thoughts of the people of our world right now. Beginning in Endings: End of Years, Rebirth of Joy! How could we have this completely wrong? Scales on Our Eyes? We're like the apostle Paul right before he was baptized: we can't see! A Story That Must Be Told! Regardless of our reasons in the past, let’s make sure we honor the Lord’s wishes in this circumstance and others like it. The Most Excellent Way Beyond sexual equality to the Jesus way of mutuality and sacrificial love. Treasures Old and New This trek of discovery was our great joy in a year of deep sorrow. In the process, each of us discovered treasures old and new. Treasure in the Details Paul could not have made the importance of Phoebe's previous work in Cenchrae and her future work with the church in Rome more clear. The Macedonian Connection As we examine the value of women to the work of God in the early church, we must examine the roles women actually performed at the request or with the blessing of the apostolic leaders. The Women They all abandoned Jesus except for this one group! Unconventional Grace and the Song of Jesus Like in other epoch-making moments in the history of God’s people, the movement of God in Jesus’ story began with the valuing of women's voices. Too Familiar to Feel the Bite? Because we have heard the story of Martha and Mary so many times, we often miss the radical truth Jesus established at this dinner! Co-Heirs with Christ Paul's declaration to the Galatians is a racial, social, and gender earthquake. Important Women, Important Roles If we listen carefully to God’s unfolding story, there are many strong women of faith who played key roles in the life of God's people! Our New Trajectory in Pentecost Beginning with Pentecost, God's Spirit was making a new humanity. Restoring the Creator's Intent The divine goodness of our Creator has been ripped apart by human selfishness and suspicion, leaving behind its insidious and poisonous residues. Made to Be Complements In the Lord, we are called to complement, complete, and bless each other so that each can be what she or he is created by God and re-created in Jesus to become! Of Sacred Value God didn't make one a first class person and the other a second class person based on gender. Surely! A hardened elite soldier in Rome's army comes face-to-face with the Son of God. Indescribable Wow! What a precious addition to our Christmas with these boys. We hope to do something like this every year. Ancient Wisdom, Today's Grace: Singing the Jesus Song What can reach our hearts and call us to be like Jesus with power and emotion? Time to Stop the Whine We can expect God to show up if we will invite future generations to experience his power and presence with us! TWENTY! The Lord is not finished surprising us with His grace and power if we live for His purposes. Welcoming the Dawn of a New Year What will you do about a New Year? Hidden Treasures Where can you find history's greatest treasures? Hope of the World What can this old story powerfully say to our geopolitical messes of today? Christ: The Center Are we really willing to make Jesus the center of our life. Live Beyond I want to invite you to join me in living beyond the horizon of our children's faith! We Thank God for You! We want to tell you how thankful we are for you with words that are greater than our ability to express! Heartbroken! In the middle of our grief, loss, and brokenness, we must remember that we are not alone in our brokenness. Blessed: Gracious Servant Sometimes we look God's greatest blessings in the face and miss them! No Longer Any Sea The glorious future when the sea is no more! Re-Mastered! What is really mastering us? Go Fast! Life does 'go fast' so make the moments count and live for your grandchildren to pass on faith! Tweeting Heaven When's the last time you used your divine Twitter account? Some Mountains Matter More So how do we know our mountains of greatest importance? Unhinderedly! God will get us where we need to be when we need to be there! But One Thing I Do! How do we keep from letting the past dominate our future? A Forgotten, but Necessary, Grace of Jesus Should we be surprised that so many call themselves Christians but never live for Jesus? A Charcoal Fire & the Smell of Redemption Why make someone relive his or her sin, why not just ignore it? Center My eyes are on Him! Courage! I AM! Quit Fearing! Can we see the LORD in middle of our storms? Saved From... Saved For! We don't want to be swimming with Jonah on the shoreline! Through the Keyhole of Grace What can we learn about God by looking at Jesus? Out Fishing the Fisherman What happens when Jesus confronts us in our area of strength? Edited by Grace Now this is a reason to rejoice in hope! Flying High with Freedom! We have been set free, so let's not give up our freedom? 'What Sort of Man Is This?' Who in the world is this man? 1 Dad Changes Everything How much power does one man of God have?! The Creator Brings Grace Can you drown out all the noise and simply listen for the Creator's voice in the Bible's first chapter? When the Way Out Is Through What do we do in the middle of our challenges and problems with no plan in sight? Bored to Life Is rest really necessary for holy and whole living? More than a Memorial Is there something more to The Supper than just remembering? Riders in the Storm What do we do the calm vanishes and we're caught in the storm? Made a Difference to That One! Moving beyond starfish to children. Throw What Stinks Out of God's House! What's the greatest danger to participating in a great move of God? As Each Part Does Its Work How in the world could they do such a herculean task in less than eight weeks? Beyond My Broken Prayers Is there a way through times of ineffective prayer? Father Forgive Them! How can we do this? How can we not? Fifty Shades of Grace: Delight So we are really supposed to delight in this? Fifty Shades of Grace: Submission The power of grace, the gift of life in marriage. Fifty Shades of Grace: Intimacy What does God really want for us in intimacy Fifty Shades of Grace: Exchanging Gods What do we say and do in today's charged climate of expectation and demand? Icebergs What do you do about those iceberg dates on your calendar that seem to sink you? Not Left as Orphans What can we expect the Spirit to do for us? Instant Always Access With whom else could you have this grace? Born of the Spirit Without the Holy Spirit, how can there be new life? Keep in Step with the Spirit Can you dance with the Holy Spirit In the Power of the Spirit We can't help it: we live where we look! Fresh Air from Heaven's Wind Is there a way to catch our breath and be renewed for a fresh start? Tiny Enough for All of Us Before we put Jesus away with our Christmas ornaments, let's pause for... Finding Jesus: Experiencing Jesus as Immanuel The Weather when Jesus Came What will the weather be this Christmas? Finding Jesus: O Living Word Can Jesus really be experienced at Christmas? Finding Jesus: Be Born in Me! Can I really know Jesus as someone who is real in my life? '... and thankful!' Give thanks for this? '...and thankful!' That passion to pursue Jesus must never die! '...always thankful!' What happens the other 51 weeks of the year? Postscript Praise This time the treasure is in the details! The Women Who stood by Jesus while all his apostles failed him? Too Familiar to Feel the Bite? Sometimes we miss the truth because we are too familiar with what we think we know! Co-heirs with Christ Paul blows away the confusion and declares us all equally heirs of God's promise! Restoring the Creator's Intent Hope beyond our world's brokenness! Made to be Complements Filling in each other's missing pieces! Of Sacred Value What really is fault line in our culture's view of women? Writing Love in the Dust What in the world did Jesus actually write? A Key Tool in the Master's SIGnature Toolset You mean I am an important tool in God's ministry toolset? Remember Their Sacrifices! sacrifices Interconnected Grace Far from isolationism, we are called to Blame Game What? I haven't done anything wrong...! Closing Time Sooner or later you have to say good bye, but what does good bye really mean? 'If it Aint Broke, Don't Fix It?' Sometimes we need a mission change even when things are working well! Peruvian Homecoming Boots on the ground and knees in the dirt incarnation — nothing less will do! Finding True Center All anyone wants to talk about is Jesus! Sing the Jesus Song! So we are supposed to sing a song to get us on the same page? Jesus Goes Home Was there something Jesus really couldn't do? Refuse to Make Jesus Boring How can we make the message of life so boringly predictable? The Hardest Lesson Learned Why is it so hard to learn this simple lesson on which so much of life hangs? Nothing Left But the Center Stripe What do you do when all the lanes seem closed? Somewhere Down the Road Do you ever long for someone who has gone home before you? Let There Be Light How deep is the darkness where you shine your light? Revelation & Transformation in the Wilderness Can something good come from our time in the wilderness? Thanks Mom! What can we say but, Darkness Am I alone in my darkest hours? The Land of In-between How do we survive in a place and time like this? Hate Crime or Love Offering? So what, or who, really put Jesus on the cross? I Wonder What I Don't Get? There's a lot the disciples missed about Jesus, I wonder what I am not getting? Lose One and You're Done What's true about the NCAA Basketball Tourney and life? A Major Comeback? How can this happen? Now, so what? So you believe in God, big deal, what are you going to do about it? Experience Immanuel Why do we settle for so much less of Jesus than He promised us? Love will Travel Why is the Great Commission so important for us as well as the rest of the world? I Need More Than Me! We were not made to do this discipleship thing alone. O Come, Please Come, Immanuel So how can I read the gospels as more than just daily Bible reading I check off my to-do list? The ARC of Grace What does grace really look like in real life? The Waiting Is the Hardest Part O how our hearts ache till all our precious ones are in Jesus! Making a Connection What can we learn from Jesus on how to connect when communicating? Inspired Truth? What makes Scripture inspired truth? Counting Down or Ratcheting Up? Learning to live in tune with God! Jesus. Birth! Three different ways to tell the story of our Savior's birth — short form, Bible verses, video! Building a Culture of Honor: Final Reflections How in the world do we use Scripture to build a culture of honor? Building a Culture of Honor: Accountability Holding each other and ourselves accountable for our growth toward Jesus it often the forget piece in building a culture of honor. Building a Culture of Honor: Trust Is trust really something that has to be earned? Building a Culture of Honor: Serving How do you break down the strongest barriers? The secret is simple, watch Jesus! Building a Culture of Honor: Prayer Prayer changes something much more important than our circumstances! Building a Culture of Honor: Affirmation Where do we begin to change the cynicism and negativity we bring into our families, workplaces, and churches? Building a Culture of Honor: Introduction Can we build a culture of honor in a world that has a different set of values? Sighing for Home How do we deal with the longing? With You Always Can I really know and experience Jesus in my daily life? Staring into the Face of Jesus When was the last time you stared in the face of the Lord? Real People, Real Family So how do we get real about the church? Beyond the sacred Page How can Jesus be real to me and not just someone I read about on the pages of the Bible? The Light of Grace A simple reminder of grace from one in a difficult place. Yearning for the Presence Why do we settle for so much less than the real thing? It all Begins with... Why are we so afraid to do what God makes clear is our next step? But Herod's Time Ended! The cycle of violence is heartbreaking -- will it ever end? Strong and Courageous? Is there something that can move us beyond being frozen in fear? Time to Get out of the Boat! Why are you just sitting there? The Personal Touch More than a miracle worker, Jesus is the touch of God. Restored to Life: Our real Salvation Saved every way a person can be saved Fearing the Big 4 No More! Is there really any hope to address our deepest fears? Falling at His Feet What do all these events in Jesus' life have in common? Independence Day How are we supposed to feel about all of this? Meeting God Outside the Box! Where can we go and meet God? Who is this Man? If we follow Jesus outside the box, what will we find? Taste of Grace, Glimpse of Glory Where can you actually see and taste a little bit of heaven? Shattered What do you do when things fracture between you and someone important to you? At the Feet of Jesus Where should followers of Jesus find themselves? It's a Time to Help, not just Talk What can we do? Untold Stories: Eve, the Mother of Seth What can we learn by just a few obscure references in Scripture about Seth? A whole lot of hope! Untold Stories: Onesiphorus -- The refreshing Gift of Friendship What can I do that really matters to the Kingdom of God? The Wrong Direction Which way would you run? The Story: Second Incarnation Can I really experience Jesus today? The Story: Garments of Grace How can these grave clothes speak of a better hope? The Story: The Hour of Darkness What do you do when darkness descends and envelopes everything? My Deliverer Is Coming! What is the The Story: Jesus' Ministry Begins Why does Jesus' ministry begin with John? The Story: U! So we know a lot about Jesus' birth, but what does it mean? Some Things just Matter More! A touching reminder of why we do some very simple, but important things! The Story: Rebuild and Restore How can you tell how we are doing with our spirituality? What is Core: Worship Why do we put so much emphasis on worship in the box and not in our everyday lives? God Put His SIGnature on You! Can you see God's signature on his masterpiece? What is Core: Christyle So do we make people think of Jesus? What is Core: The Supper When we gather in Jesus' name, something transcendent happens: He is there with us! What is Core: United with Christ! Finding God's place for us to connect with Jesus' saving work. What Is Core: Love Becoming like God in His most known virtue! What is Core #1 - Jesus What is most important? Beginning in Endings: End of Years, Rebirth of Joy! How could we have this completely wrong? Thank You, Jesus! What else can you say, but thank you? Beginnings in Endings: Mary Did You Know? Mary's simple life was about to come to a dramatic end! When Our Star first Began to Shine It's Been up There a long, long Time! Moving beyond the Ashes How do you restore the joy to life and ministry again? The Weather when Jesus Came What will the weather be this Christmas? The Long Wait Aren't you glad Christmas is coming even on Thanksgiving? Coming Home Have you ever wondered how God feels on his end of things? Thanksgiving How do we keep the concerns from stealing our thanksgiving? Getting Our Worship Cart out of the Ditch So how are we to worship? God's Bridge to better Things Rejection and disappointment can gut the passion of God's leaders! The Grace that Brought Us Jesus So why is Ruth so important in the overall scheme of things? The Swirly Cycle of Destruction Which way does your toilet flush? We Felt like Grasshoppers Who pays the highest price for our lack of faith? Caught between Glory and Grumbling How in the world did Moses lead in this mess? Jesse's Visit with Jesus What happens when Jesus comes to visit? You Want to Use Me? I know who I am, so how can God use? More than just a Bag of Bones What's left when it's all over? Moments of Decision What will we do when the choice is ours and the moment comes? Bless! What do we do in the face of evil and meanness? Out of Chaos How in the world did we get into this mess? Enter The Story How do you fit into God's story? Meeting Immanuel Where can we go to experience God? I AM: The Way So how do we get to what really matters? We Doubt... But it is not so much doubting God as doubting ourselves! I AM: Stay Connected! Are you a limb or a stick? Why Go? Why spend the money, make the time, and take the risk? What Kind of Church? There are two kinds of faithful leaders, groups, and churches. Which are you? I AM: God's Handwritten Messages from Heaven - Bottom Line Faith Some things you have to believe or you have nothing worth believing in! I AM: God's Handwritten Message from Heaven - Light Why do we love the darkness so much? I Am: Handwritten Messages from Heaven - Fear How in the world do I obey that command? I AM: God's Handwritten Message from Heaven - Bread Just how hungry are you? Handwritten Message from Heaven: I AM Is Jesus claiming to be God? Greater Things: Boldness Where can I get a good dose of boldness and power? What's the Goal Here? Why are we on this trip? Greater Things: Presence Where are our greater things? Greater Things: Devotion Aren't you tired of the same ol' things? UNPREDICTABLE: MY Lord! In the middle of this mess, would you still have called Jesus Lord? Nicodemus and Joseph Save Easter? How can two rich guys save Easter? Everything on the Line What would you do in your last moments with those you love? Life on the Brink When all seems lost, where do you find hope? More than Mr. Rogers Jesus calls us beyond the narrow caricatures of grace. Eyes Opened! Will we choose to see people as Jesus does? Faith on the Way Home How can I believe before I have proof? As Different as... How important are our differences? When Water Becomes Wine How can we see this miracle in our lives? More than Words God spoke His greatest message with just one Word! Open Doors, Open Hearts Please pray that God will open the door to effective ministry! Better Broken: Forgiveness and Power I can actually get better? Better Broken: 11! What do you do with the one who is missing? Better Broken: The Plan What was God's plan to help Jesus' broken and flawed followers accomplish his mission? Get Your Head Out of the Clouds! Move beyond resolutions to Kingdom living! In a Dream What do you do with your shattered dreams? All Roads Lead to Jesus It's not the road you think, but it's the destination you seek! A Child Will Lead Them What in the world does this mean? Why Shepherds? Of all the people to announce the coming of heaven's glory, why did God choose this bunch? The Gift of Influence: Teach to Obey What are you doing with yours? Line in the Sand: Baptize! What is your line in the sand in your faith walk with Jesus? Beautiful Feet: Go! So how beautiful are your feet? Last Words: First Priority Are we listening to what Jesus said? What Would You Say? What in the world is love at last sight? Driven by Delight Here's one secret that needs to get out! One Song We can't do it for everyone, but we can for at least our one! Holy Passion: Sacred Sexuality What, talk about sex and God in the same sentence? One Measure What have you done with all those gifts? Living for Just One! Will you live all of life as worship, or just a few hours per wek? Unshakeable: 10 Years Revisited Looking back, what is there that is unshakeable? Just One: One Note How can help when I overwhelmed with the need? One Tune! How can we learn God's will for this time in our lives? Let's DO It! What's got you stuck in neutral? Come Away With Me How depleted are you? Why Go? Why spend the money, make the time, and take the risk? Down the Hill, Waiting for the Return How can you compare these two things? If The Shoe Fits Are you chosen? I Understand This There are simply things I don't get! Reunion! Who can you not wait to see? Go Where's his voice calling you? Touchable Grace Jesus is God made touchable! My Father Why is it so important that God be called Father? Same Thing, Only Different How can we follow in the same pattern doing the same ol' thing yet it appear on the surface as something very different? The Hardest Lesson Lost Are we the older brothers? Wasted Time! Haven't we all wasted enough time piddling around when there is a party going on? The Hardest Lesson Learned Why is it so hard to learn this simple lesson on which so much of life hangs? When these Ol' Walls Can't Speak Can you capture the memories even if you can't hear the words? Last Glimpse? What does this last glimpse of Mary teach us about Jesus and discipleship? From Son to Savior How did Mary handle the transition of Jesus from her little boy to her Lord? Window to the Heart of God! How do we ever understand what the cross cost God? Leaving an Imprint of a Mother's Faith What's a mom supposed to do with wet cement? After the Angel Leaves So how do we keep on keeping on after the angel leaves? Sunday! What's so special about Sunday, everything! Let Jesus ... What do these words mean and whose words do we trust? Fifteen What is so great about the number 15? Number 1 Who really is the best of all of time? Each Has a Name Let's begin somewhere, doing something, and not just talk about it! GO_fearlessly Is this outside your EEZ? GIVE Generously? So what's the grace and privilege we are supposed to find here? Minister Selflessly How can we do it when it is often so hard? SH!FT: PRAY_passionately Can we really be honest with God and reverent, too? SH!FT: READ_faithfully Isn't it time you put this back into your daily life? SH!FT my Life: LIVE_holy What is my life really about? From Drift to Shift Where are you going to end up when you get there? Tell Them How Much! So what do we do now that we've left the table? Are Attaways an Extinct Species? Have you seen or heard any attaways lately? Last Lights on the Tree With the Christmas lights reflection, what do you remember? Joy to the World! With the birth of Jesus, we enter a gritty world that we know is our own. Communion and Christmas What does all of this mean ... to you and me ... today? Heaven's Light Can you find that light that chases away the shadows? Face of God? How do we recognize God when He shows up in our world? Dancing for Immanuel Too small to see, but too great to miss! Glory Awaits In this season of memories, what should we hold on to most tightly? For Such a Time as This! Is this your time? Compass Point Which direction is right? Pure! What does pure religion really look like? Imperfect Love What difference can my imperfect love make in a mountain of need? Making a Difference? Can't we save some? Go Take a Dip Imagine the power of the powerless! Don't Go Fishing? It's time to fish or be bait! Hem of the Garment Could you have waited? When the Dude's a Dud? What are God's people supposed to do in such times? Transition out of Darkness Are you helping transition those you love out of darkness? The Scarlet Cord What can a pro from the city and two spies teach us about the dark side of our mountain? Risky Faith How dark is it in your world? The Dirt, the Hole, the Tree, and the Question Do I really believe this stuff? Building the Bridge to Bring Us Home Is there really light on the dark side of the mountain? SpiritFire - Leading Us Safely Home Where is home for you? No, really, Where? SpiritFire - More than Near How close is God to us? SpiritFire - Gifted Children Why is there so much fussing and fighting over spiritual gifts? SpiritFire - Unity of the Spirit? Why is unity such a big deal? SpiritFire - Overflow? Where can I get this living water? SpiritFire - Abba How dare we address God in this way? SpiritFire - The Master's Voice Are you listening? SpiritFire - Unforgivable? Do you worry about this? SpiritFire - Potholes, Ditches, and Freedom Can you avoid the deep ditches? SpiritFire - How Do I Think of the Spirit? Who is the Holy Spirit? SpiritFire - Two Choices Which do you choose? C2K - Kiss the Bride Are you ready for the big wedding? C2K - Living Beyond the Cliché What if we really took Jesus' words seriously? C2K - Go Smaller to Go Deeper Why worry about this smaller thing? C2K - Living Words Show me, I'm tired of just hearing talk! C2K - Sending Church Why is it so hard to let go of our best and brightest, yet at the same it is so good to do so? C2K - Mission Minded You ready to reach out? C2K - The Church that Helps People What would they say about you and your friends? C2K - DNA Testing Does the connection show up in our ministry? C2K - View from the Top What happened with the talk about the Kingdom of God? Dawn of the New Way: Risen! What would it have been like to be Jesus' younger brother? You Have Always Been Drawn to Wood What would Mary have thought in such painful times? Dawn of The New Way: Lifted Up Do you think James was really there through all of this mess? Tested Tough Why intentionally face hard opponents? Re: Vision 2020 What do we see when we look at how the early church met? Catch & Release: First Importance Why do we make things more complicated than they need to be? Catch & Release: Blessings What makes it hard to be generous with the good news of Jesus? Catch & Release: Witnesses Why would he choose this bunch to be his plan? Catch & Release: Fear There are a lot of excuses, but they usually all boil down to fear! Catch & Release: One Don't you hate to have to choose! Catch and Release: THE First Thing Caught to be released into life, community, and purpose by the grace of God! SpiritFire: Under the Influence Are you living under the influence? SpiritFire: God's Dwelling Place Who is alive in you? SpiritFire: Life to Our Bones What can we do to bring revival to the Church and life to the world? SpiritFire: Ask! Why do we not ask for something God longs to give? Fan the Flame! Why do we present our children such a passionless discipleship? Breath of Heaven Has God's wind blown through you this season? Traveling Mercies: You've Got to Be Kidding Me! I've bet you have had a bunch of these moments at Christmas! Traveling Mercies: Never Leave These Behind Can love and faithfulness be more than a slogan? Traveling Mercies: Broken Dreams? Are those old broken dreams really gone? The Long Wait Aren't you glad Christmas is coming even on Thanksgiving? Somebody? Shouldn't somebody help? The Greatest Glory Where does a leader find true and lasting glory? Lost and Found Isn't it a blessing when you find what's been lost?! Promises Kept! How do you know you can trust the promises of Jesus? A Really Inconvenient Truth What is a shepherd's real goal in leading God's flock? Drop the Rope! Why are we so prone to a tug-of-war on important issues? Riders in the Storm So what will your focus be in your own personal storms? Beyond the Slogans How can we say these things and really mean them? Ain't Nothin' New? Will things ever change for me? God's Twin Grace Why do we often emphasize one, but forget the other? For Insiders or Outsiders? What does it matter really, if I am community or not? Strange Neighbors Why would God place us in close proximity to these people? Grace Beyond the Miracle How come we focus on the spectacle and miss the greater miracle? Who Are You? Have you lost your identity? Where's the Power? What happened to the power Jesus promise? Incarnational? Surely Jesus is talking about something other than evangelism? Follow Me What will you do with Glue Lines and a Pink Lamp How do you put a shattered life back together? You Are Witnesses! What do you have to say about Jesus? Shown Alive by the Scars Why were the scars so important to the early disciples' faith? Peace Be with You! Have you found purpose, meaning, and peace in the life you are living? This Is What I Told You ... What difference does it make that Jesus knew and did it anyway? My Brothers! How could He see so much more in them than they had ever demonstrated? He Knows My Name! Does He really speak to people today? Go to My Brothers and Tell Them Who was the first apostle to the apostles? God's Gift of Family Grace Sometimes the biggest story at church is not one you know! Go to My Brothers and Tell Them Who was the first apostle to the apostles? Making God Touchable Have you touched someone in the name of Jesus, lately? Memory and More What a Centurion can teach us on Memorial Day Weekend! When Heroes Walk Sometimes, it takes everything to just keep walking! David's First Giant Why do we keep them at the kids table so long? What Difference Can One Make? Can one person really make a difference The Partnership Can you see more going on in your life than the daily grind? Worship in the Real World Why is it so easy to draw this line? The Power to Risk So is it really better to be safe than sorry? James How can the younger brother of Jesus help us find our way to hope? He Died for Me! How are we to respond to such an extravagant gift? Wrong Road, Right Friend Are you walking down the hard road alone? Beyond the Mirror When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Last Thoughts or Long Commitments? Would Timothy make it, and if he did, would he be faithful? The Unmentioned Essentials Do you notice the folks around you who are the true heroes? Putting My Life Where My Mouth Is Are we up to our talk? Pass It On Will you pass on the comfort you have received from God? Comfort in any Season How does God use us to comfort other? Captured by Grace Can you be captured by freedom and grace? Neighboring Who is my neighbor? Welcome One Another How could I feel at home so far away from home? Radical Community Does community like this actually exist? Made 2BN Community Where do you best connect with God? Drawing Nearer We settle for so much less than God wants for us. So often this is because we will simply not let go of our own Star Bright What difference does one twinkling star really make? The Smell of Sheep What did it smell like at the manger? On Tiptoe with Angels How do you look over the horizon of history and see God's greatest promise fulfilled? Season of Joy Can you find the joy right now? Christ in the House Where have you declared King's X with Jesus? Thanksgiving How do we keep the concerns from stealing our thanksgiving? The Main Thing Are we losing focus? Glory Awaits In this season of memories, what should we hold on to most tightly? On Our Knees Let's be in prayer! Isn't Jesus Enough? Why do we run after other things to add to Jesus? What's the Goal Here? Why are we on this trip? No Hidden Mystery Why do we hide the simple message of Jesus behind all our complex rules? More than a Fork in the Road How our simply service makes a difference in everything! Delivered? Are you playing religious games or are you really delivered? Godly Organic Weren't we re-made for more than we're settling for? Chosen Can you really accept that God views you as He does? Behind Enemy Lines Where do you live your life of faith? Big Reversal So who is Jesus to you? Called Out in Church How would you feel if it was you? Splash Down Do you know where you will splash down? It Is Finished Will you ever get it all done? Thirsty How can so much be caught up in one word? Why Have You Forsaken Me? Will he be there when I most need him? Woman Behold Your Son What can we learn about family at the cross? Freedom from 'The Fear' What do you most fear? Father Forgive Them! How can we do this? How can we not? Independence Day How often do you celebrate it? How to Survive a Bear Attack This is no joking matter when you are in the bear's woods! Moving Beyond the Ashes How do you restore the joy to life and ministry again? NOT Just Another Face in the Crowd How did God make you to stand out from the crowd? Coming Down in the Wrong Place When is landing not good? Remember These Friends! How can we so easily forget such sacrifice? God's Gift of Family Grace Sometimes the biggest story at church is not one you know! Included! Are you an insider or outsider to the promises of God? Bzrp-cha-ta-bzrp! What in the world is that sound? Home When going home means giving a child a chance at life! The Lord's Take on the Subject So what are we supposed to do about such days as this? Church? Do I really have to go to church? ALL! So who are we going to exclude? Faith Awaiting a Dawn What happens when the sun rises on Sunday? And It Was Night? Is there any hope, any light, for our darkness? Agony to Maturity What should we expect of our leaders to help us reach maturity? The Journey Spiritual maturity is the journey, not a destination. Real Joy? Couldn't you take a couple of doses of this in your group? Majestic Can you see God's glory in your fellow humanity? Snapshot When is a picture more than a picture? Down the Dusty, Bumpy Road Heaven's waiting down the dusty bumpy road! Doreen What other words need to be said than a smile? Twenty-Five What a great and unexpected blessing! We're Off! Where are you going and why? Conviction Can you find hope in a hopeless situation? He's Our Son No cost is too great, because he is priceless! My Deliverer Let's find something we can do to instill hope in children! Pincushion? Why in the world would Phil get nine shots in four weeks? Even if It Means a Cross Do we really want the Cross to define us? Hidden Treasures Where can you find history's greatest treasures? Mary's Choice How did you agree to this bargain? It IS More Blessed! Have you really experienced the joy of this truth? What Do You Do? How do you honor a servant who is not trying to be noticed? Always with Thanksgiving Even the hogs do better than we do? Coming Home Have you ever wondered how God feels on his end of things? Respect Your Mother! How can we preserve the faith of future generations? What Reveals Your Character? So how do you do in those challenging situations? Look Them in the Eye What do you have to hide? Hold Your Head Up! What's got you so down you won't even believe what God says about you? Skin Color Shouldn't Matter Why is this such a big deal to us? Live with Passion If you can't be passionate about it, how important is it anyway? Jesus Is Everything When are we going to let him into every area of our lives? Beyond Remembering Who is this person in your life? Let's Go Somewhere Else Why would Jesus leave someone behind? Aroma! How do I understand this powerful concept? One Thing What's the one thing you are supposed to do? The Front Porch What kind of concept is this for a church? The Jesus Vibe: The Shear Why would anyone want to live in a place with such strong currents? The Jesus Vibe: Daily Altar of Grace Can't I just keep a little of my life protected from this? The Jesus Vibe: Prayer How can we tune our hearts to the vibe of heaven? The Jesus Vibe: Servant So who wants to go get a towel and a water basin? The Jesus Vibe: Crouching at the Door How do you face down our enemy? Christ at the Center So what is our faith really about? Just Keep Singing What do you do when you can't think of anything else to do to hang on? Less Than Advertised What are we really promising people in our churches? While I Sleep What does God do while you sleep? Come Away to a Quiet Place? Is getting away to a quiet place enough to restore our souls? Thanks Dad! How can you honor your dad this week in a significant way? The Violence of the Wicked? Please end the violence! Our Need to Remember Hopefully remembering the horrors can help us prevent them. Rhythms of Grace What if the day begins at a different time than we think? With Gentleness and Respect How do we change the anti-Christian perspective of our culture? Beyond Defending Our Fortresses Why can't we leave our old positions behind? Two Weeks How long has it really been? Inviting Darkness Home Who would want to invite this mess home? Tearing Down the Walls What divides and separates us? There You Will See Him! Can I really meet Jesus? Even if It Means a Cross Do we really only want the Of Natural Causes How long would you have to be gone before someone noticed? A World of Deception How deep does our deception go? The Prayer of an Angel Would you come to the party and let him pray with you? Cashing in Our Hearts How big a check do you want God to sign for you? Thanks for the Memories and More What more can you say? Grace is Amazing What's so amazing about grace? Surprised by Love Could this be the greatest love story of all? Escape Velocity? Can you get out of your problems before they drag you down? The Light Within You What is your light? Sometimes I Just Like to Listen Now Do you ever take time to listen and not sing? Change of Plans What do you do when you have to make a change in your plans? A Violent Grace Now that the Christmas lights are put away, aren't you ready to meet the real Jesus? Welcoming the Dawn of a New Year What will you do about a New Year? On Tiptoe! I wonder what it was like when the angel learned he would bring the news? A Free-for-All Christmas? What goodness can be found in such awful things? How Do You Grasp this Mystery? Jesus longs to be born again into our world in me? Winter Has Fallen Can you find heaven's grace in this changing of seasons? Starting Fresh Can we really find something new and fresh in this season of commercialism? Upside-Down Blessings How in the world can something good come out of something so rotten? The Voice of Our Father How do you approach God? More Than a Fa?de Will your character collapse under pressure? Horrifying Halloween What could make Halloween any more horrifying than it already is? Family Messes How are we to handle the messes of life in the family of God? Serving Grace How do you get out of your Getting Out of Our Ditch Can we really get out of this mess> Always Golden! You mean we are supposed to do this everywhere! This Time, Giving Up is Winning Can you ever think of when giving up is ever good? Finished! How can anyone say they have done all that they set out to do? Remember Has it already been 5 years? Rest from Your Labor! Shouldn't you take a little rest at least once per week? The Masterpiece What is the most beautiful piece of art you have seen? The Power of Memory Do you really remember when you eat at this table? Fresh What goes way beyond new at being new? Where to Find the Help of a Friend? Do you have any idea how many there actually are? Dead Tires and Road Trash What will you find at the side of the road this time of year? More than Change Surely you want to do something a little deeper than just another coat of pain? Sizzling! What do you do when you receive sharp criticims? For Freedom! Are you taking care of your freedom? Unity?! Where do we begin the work of genuine unity? Stuck! How do you get un-stuck? Laying Down Real Foundations Where are you building your house? Worship and the Ballpark? Can we really take worship with us outside our religious boxes? Haunting Eyes and Needed Guilt Can you still see their haunting look? The Code Breaker Can we really break the code? The Forgotten Virtue When is the last time you heard someone praised from being gentle? Thanks Mom! What can we say but, Who Could Ask for More? Have you ever thought how much God cares for you? W.A.T.S. Happening When is worship more than just religious stuff in a box? To Blog or Not to Blog So what's the big deal with Heartlight starting blogs? The Jesus Bashers What time of the year is it? Wildfires! How is your speech like a lighted cigarette? Decade of Grace This decade is a lot more than just the passing of ten years! Nothing Left But the Center Stripe What do you do when all the lanes seem closed? Hold Up? Are you helping, hurting, or just in the way? With the Help of Friends What do you do when you can't do it alone. Personality or Person? How do you view your church leaders? Falling on our Face Did her Olympic disaster remind you of anyone you know? Listen to Your Teacher Have you been listening lately? Delayed Truth Have you learned this important spiritual skill? Better Get Better! Are we willing to pay the price to really make a difference? More than Falling Dominoes Is the interconnectedness of our world really such bad news? The Motivation of the Moment Are you full of anticipation for this event? God's Horizon How far can you see? Holy Impatience! Is your sense of urgency on the rise or on the wane? Fresh and New What will you do with this fresh and shining new year?
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