
When financial advisor Stephen Pollan dies, he wont be leaving one penny to his four children, their spouses and his nine grandchildren. Why? Stephen Pollan, the author of the new book Die Broke, doesnt believe in inheritances because money, when passed along, only causes problems.
...healthy attitudes are the best legacies...
Baby boomerswho collectively stand to inherit trillions of dollarsmay be alarmed at the title and advice of this new book. But Stephen Pollan is trying to teach responsible, healthy attitudes toward money. He says that healthy attitudes are the best legacies that we can leave to our children and our grandchildren.
Remember the words of the Lord Jesus himself, Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy and thieves break in and steal. But store up treasure in heaven... for where your treasure is, there will be your heart, also.
Randy would like to share his free booklets on subjects vitally important to living the Christian life in todays world. Call 1 (800) 759-3300 or email herald@abilene.com attn:Randy Becton and ask for any of the following:
- The Power of Hope
- When Your Child Rebels
- Parents Guide to the Nineties
- Living above Lifes Losses
- Building a Positive Atmosphere for Your Home
HEARTLIGHT(R) Magazine is a ministry of loving Christians and the Westover Hills church of Christ.
Edited by Phil Ware and Paul Lee.
Article copyright © 1996-97, Randy Becton. Used by permission.
Design copyright © 1996-97, Heartlight, Inc., 8332 Mesa Drive, Austin, TX 78759.
May be reprinted and reused for non-commercial purposes only if copyright credits are appropriately displayed.
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