Daily Wisdom: Proverbs 16:32

Saturday, May 11, 1957

Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city.
— Proverbs 16:32

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"Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!"
Proverbs 6:6
"The wise in heart are called discerning, and pleasant words promote instruction."


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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Saturday, May 11, 1957

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"In darkness there is no choice. It is light that enables us to see the differences between things; and it is Christ who gives us light."


Illustration of Proverbs 16:32 — Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city.

About This Devotional

Daily Wisdom is a free daily devotional for Christians featuring wise counsel found in Scripture.