Daily Wisdom: Psalm 103:15-18

Saturday, November 9, 1957

As for man, his days are like grass, he flourishes like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more. But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children— with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts.
— Psalm 103:15-18

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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Saturday, November 9, 1957

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"You ask [God for something] and do not receive it, because you ask with wrong motives [out of selfishness or with an unrighteous agenda], so that..."


Illustration of Psalm 103:15-18 — As for man, his days are like grass, he flourishes like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more.  But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children— with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts.

About This Devotional

Daily Wisdom is a free daily devotional for Christians featuring wise counsel found in Scripture.