Daily Wisdom: Proverbs 3:7

Monday, April 6, 1959

Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.
— Proverbs 3:7

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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Monday, April 6, 1959

A one-year devotional guide through the book of Acts.
"[Stephen continued his defense before the council:] "One day when Moses was forty years old, he decided to visit his relatives, the people of Israel....."
A daily guide from the gospels that challenges readers to live for Jesus.
"[Jesus continued his teaching on our interactions with others, commanding,] "Give to anyone who asks; and when things are taken away from you, don't....."
A daily devotional featuring a Bible verse, thought and prayer.
"Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul."
A daily devotional about God's power for our battles.
""Please come closer to me," Joseph said to his brothers. When they did so, he said, "I am Joseph, the brother you sold into slavery in Egypt! Now,....."


Illustration of Proverbs 3:7 — Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.

About This Devotional

Daily Wisdom is a free daily devotional for Christians featuring wise counsel found in Scripture.