Daily Wisdom: Proverbs 12:22

Wednesday, October 7, 1959

The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in men who are truthful.
— Proverbs 12:22

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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Wednesday, October 7, 1959

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"On the Lord's Day I [John] was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet, which said: ..."
Features the apostle Paul's writings turned into daily, powerful prayers.
"Dear Father, King of an eternal kingdom, Thank you for giving me the greatest motivation in life. You have called me into your kingdom, the greatest...."


Illustration of Proverbs 12:22 — The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in men who are truthful.

About This Devotional

Daily Wisdom is a free daily devotional for Christians featuring wise counsel found in Scripture.