Daily Wisdom: Colossians 3:11

Monday, September 28, 2009

Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.
— Colossians 3:11

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"A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
"Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it."
Psalm 34:14
"Blessed are the people of whom this is true; blessed are the people whose God is the Lord."
Psalm 144:15


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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Monday, September 28, 2009

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Illustration of Colossians 3:11 — Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.

About This Devotional

Daily Wisdom is a free daily devotional for Christians featuring wise counsel found in Scripture.