It is the Lord who provides the sun to light the day and the moon and stars to light the night, and who stirs the sea into roaring waves. His name is the Lord of Heaven's Armies...
— Jeremiah 31:35
More Passion for Praise
"Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of praise! He is to be feared above all gods. The gods of other nations are mere idols, but the Lord made the..."
""We give thanks to you, Lord God, the Almighty, the one who is and who always was, for now you have assumed your great power and have begun to reign.""
"O Lord, what a variety of things you have made! In wisdom you have made them all. ... Here is the ocean, vast and wide, teeming with life of every..."
"But some of the Jews were jealous [of Paul's message and success], so they gathered some troublemakers from the marketplace to form a mob and start a..."
"Dear Father, Help me adhere to right teaching, proper conduct, the right aim in life and faith. Help me hold on patience, love, and steadfastness,..."
"Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand."
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