Passion for Praise: 'No One is Holy Like the Lord!'

Wednesday, January 26, 1955

Then Hannah prayed: "My heart rejoices in the Lord! The Lord has made me strong. Now I have an answer for my enemies; I rejoice because you rescued me. No one is holy like the Lord! There is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God."
— 1 Samuel 2:1-2

More Passion for Praise

"Then Zachariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied, "Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel; he came and set his people free.""
"And so, Lord, where do I put my hope? My only hope is in you. Rescue me from my rebellion. Do not let fools mock me."
"Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy! I look to you for protection. I will hide beneath the shadow of your wings until the danger passes by. I cry out...."
"Praise his glorious name forever! Let the whole earth be filled with his glory. Amen and amen!"


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Illustration of 1 Samuel 2:1-2 — Then Hannah prayed: "My heart rejoices in the Lord! The Lord has made me strong. Now I have an answer for my enemies; I rejoice because you rescued me. No one is holy like the Lord! There is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God."

About This Devotional

Passion for Praise is a daily devotional consisting of a passage of Scripture that emphasizes praise to our God.