Passion for Praise: 'The Strong One Who Rescued Me'

Tuesday, August 2, 1955

I said to the Lord, "You are my God!" Listen, O Lord, to my cries for mercy! Sovereign Lord, the strong one who rescued me, you protected me on the day of battle. Lord, do not let evil people have their way. Do not let their evil schemes succeed, or they will become proud. ... Surely the righteous people are praising your name; the godly will live in your presence.
— Psalm 140:6-8, 13

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Illustration of Psalm 140:6-8, 13 — I said to the Lord, "You are my God!" Listen, O Lord, to my cries for mercy! Sovereign Lord, the strong one who rescued me, you protected me on the day of battle. Lord, do not let evil people have their way. Do not let their evil schemes succeed, or they will become proud. ... Surely the righteous people are praising your name; the godly will live in your presence.

About This Devotional

Passion for Praise is a daily devotional consisting of a passage of Scripture that emphasizes praise to our God.