Passion for Praise: 'Once More!'

Saturday, August 25, 1956

[For this is what the Lord says] There will be heard once more the sounds of joy and laughter. The joyful voices of bridegrooms and brides will be heard again, along with the joyous songs of people bringing thanksgiving offerings to the Lord. They will sing, 'Give thanks to the Lord of Heaven's Armies, for the Lord is good. His faithful love endures forever!' For I will restore the prosperity of this land to what it was in the past, says the Lord.
— Jeremiah 33:10-11

More Passion for Praise

"Songs of joy and victory are sung in the camp of the godly. The strong right arm of the Lord has done glorious things."
"I called on the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and he saved me from my enemies."
"I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy."
"Come, everyone! Clap your hands! Shout to God with joyful praise! For the Lord Most High is awesome. He is the great King of all the earth."


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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Saturday, August 25, 1956

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"[Jesus said,] "All that belongs to the Father is mine; this is why I said, 'The Spirit will tell you whatever he receives from me.'""
A daily devotional featuring wise counsel found in Scripture.
"A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones."


Illustration of Jeremiah 33:10-11 — [For this is what the Lord says] There will be heard once more the sounds of joy and laughter. The joyful voices of bridegrooms and brides will be heard again, along with the joyous songs of people bringing thanksgiving offerings to the Lord. They will sing, 'Give thanks to the Lord of Heaven's Armies, for the Lord is good. His faithful love endures forever!' For I will restore the prosperity of this land to what it was in the past, says the Lord.

About This Devotional

Passion for Praise is a daily devotional consisting of a passage of Scripture that emphasizes praise to our God.