Passion for Praise: 'All Wisdom'

Thursday, September 20, 1956

[O Lord] You have all wisdom and do great and mighty miracles. You see the conduct of all people, and you give them what they deserve.
— Jeremiah 32:19

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"[Who is like you O Lord?] With your unfailing love you lead the people you have redeemed. In your might, you guide them to your sacred home."


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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Thursday, September 20, 1956

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Illustration of Jeremiah 32:19 — [O Lord] You have all wisdom and do great and mighty miracles. You see the conduct of all people, and you give them what they deserve.

About This Devotional

Passion for Praise is a daily devotional consisting of a passage of Scripture that emphasizes praise to our God.