Passion for Praise: 'Young and Old Will Hear'

Saturday, April 6, 1957

I will sing of the Lord's unfailing love forever! Young and old will hear of your faithfulness. Your unfailing love will last forever. Your faithfulness is as enduring as the heavens.
— Psalm 89:1-2

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"Praise the Lord, for he has shown me the wonders of his unfailing love. He kept me safe when my city was under attack. In panic I cried out, "I am cut..."
"May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other, as is fitting for followers of Christ Jesus...."


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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Saturday, April 6, 1957

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Features the apostle Paul's writings turned into daily, powerful prayers.
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"Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil."


Illustration of Psalm 89:1-2 — I will sing of the Lord's unfailing love forever! Young and old will hear of your faithfulness. Your unfailing love will last forever. Your faithfulness is as enduring as the heavens.

About This Devotional

Passion for Praise is a daily devotional consisting of a passage of Scripture that emphasizes praise to our God.