Passion for Praise: 'Glorious!'

Tuesday, October 15, 1957

The mountains take one look at GOD And melt, melt like wax before earth's Lord. The heavens announce that he'll set everything right, And everyone will see it happen — glorious!
— Psalm 97:5-6 MESSAGE

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"You called out to GOD. ... He put your feet on a wonderful road that took you straight to a good place to live. So thank GOD for his marvelous love,....."


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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Tuesday, October 15, 1957

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Illustration of Psalm 97:5-6 MESSAGE — The mountains take one look at GOD And melt, melt like wax before earth's Lord. The heavens announce that he'll set everything right, And everyone will see it happen — glorious!

About This Devotional

Passion for Praise is a daily devotional consisting of a passage of Scripture that emphasizes praise to our God.