Passion for Praise: 'Who is My Equal?'

Wednesday, February 5, 1958

"To whom will you compare me? Who is my equal?" asks the Holy One. Look up into the heavens. Who created all the stars? He brings them out like an army, one after another, calling each by its name. Because of his great power and incomparable strength, not a single one is missing.
— Isaiah 40:25-26

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Illustration of Isaiah 40:25-26 — "To whom will you compare me? Who is my equal?" asks the Holy One. Look up into the heavens. Who created all the stars? He brings them out like an army, one after another, calling each by its name. Because of his great power and incomparable strength, not a single one is missing.

About This Devotional

Passion for Praise is a daily devotional consisting of a passage of Scripture that emphasizes praise to our God.