Passion for Praise: 'At the Same Time'

Sunday, September 13, 1959

"Am I a God who is only close at hand?" says the Lord. "No, I am far away at the same time. Can anyone hide from me in a secret place? Am I not everywhere in all the heavens and earth?" says the Lord.
— Jeremiah 23:23-24

More Passion for Praise

"Oh, praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, you who serve him night and day ..."
"The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place...."
"Let the rich of the earth feast and worship. Bow before him, all who are mortal, all whose lives will end as dust. Our children will also serve him......"
"The Lord of Heaven's Armies is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress."


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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Sunday, September 13, 1959

A one-year devotional guide through the book of Acts.
"While Apollos was in Corinth, Paul traveled through the interior regions until he reached Ephesus, on the coast, where he found several believers...."
A daily guide from the gospels that challenges readers to live for Jesus.
"[Jesus continued,] "A few days later [after the sons received their inheritance from their father, the younger son] packed all his belongings and..."
A daily devotional featuring wise counsel found in Scripture.
"The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love."
The classic twice-daily devotional from Charles H. Spurgeon.
"This teaches us that the comfort obtained by a one may often prove serviceable to another; just as wells would be used by the company who came after....."


Illustration of Jeremiah 23:23-24 — "Am I a God who is only close at hand?" says the Lord. "No, I am far away at the same time. Can anyone hide from me in a secret place? Am I not everywhere in all the heavens and earth?" says the Lord.

About This Devotional

Passion for Praise is a daily devotional consisting of a passage of Scripture that emphasizes praise to our God.