Passion for Praise: 'How Great You Are!'

Wednesday, September 23, 1959

Let all that I am praise the Lord. O Lord my God, how great you are! You are robed in majesty. You are dressed in a robe of light.
— Psalm 104:1

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"Praise the Lord, all you nations. Praise him, all you people of the earth. For he loves us with unfailing love; the Lord's faithfulness endures..."


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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Wednesday, September 23, 1959

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A devotional to help reclaim Jesus as the daily Lord of our lives.
"Dear Beloved, As God's child, you need to know that some truth is very basic and very simple. You also need to realize that the evil one, whom John....."
A daily devotional about the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
"Then the Spirit lifted me [Ezekiel] up and brought me into the inner court, and the glory of the Lord filled the temple."


Illustration of Psalm 104:1 — Let all that I am praise the Lord. O Lord my God, how great you are! You are robed in majesty. You are dressed in a robe of light.

About This Devotional

Passion for Praise is a daily devotional consisting of a passage of Scripture that emphasizes praise to our God.