Passion for Praise: 'The Fountain of Living Water'

Friday, August 30, 2002

We worship at your throne — eternal, high, and glorious! O Lord, the hope of Israel, all who turn away from you will be disgraced. They will be buried in the dust of the earth, for they have abandoned the Lord, the fountain of living water.
— Jeremiah 17:12-13

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Illustration of Jeremiah 17:12-13 — We worship at your throne — eternal, high, and glorious! O Lord, the hope of Israel, all who turn away from you will be disgraced. They will be buried in the dust of the earth, for they have abandoned the Lord, the fountain of living water.

About This Devotional

Passion for Praise is a daily devotional consisting of a passage of Scripture that emphasizes praise to our God.