Passion for Praise: 'All Whose Hearts are Pure!'

Saturday, November 9, 2002

So rejoice in the Lord and be glad, all you who obey him! Shout for joy, all you whose hearts are pure!
— Psalm 32:11 NLT

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"As for me, how good it is to be near God! I have made the Sovereign Lord my shelter, and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do."


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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Saturday, November 9, 2002

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"Do you doubt, O Christian, do you doubt as to whether God will fulfil his promise? Shall the munitions of rock be carried by storm? Shall the..."


Illustration of Psalm 32:11 NLT — So rejoice in the Lord and be glad, all you who obey him! Shout for joy, all you whose hearts are pure!

About This Devotional

Passion for Praise is a daily devotional consisting of a passage of Scripture that emphasizes praise to our God.