Passion for Praise: 'He Has Done Great Things for Me!'

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

[Mary responded] "For the Mighty One is holy, and he has done great things for me. He shows mercy from generation to generation to all who fear him. His mighty arm has done tremendous things! He has scattered the proud and haughty ones. He has brought down princes from their thrones and exalted the humble."
— Luke 1:49-52 NLT

More Passion for Praise

"Let the heavens be glad, and the earth rejoice! Let the sea and everything in it shout his praise! Let the fields and their crops burst out with joy!...."
"O Israel, hope in the Lord; for with the Lord there is unfailing love and with him is full redemption."
"Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, who lives from everlasting to everlasting. Amen and amen!"
"Let the godly rejoice. Let them be glad in God's presence. Let them be filled with joy."


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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Tuesday, December 23, 2003

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Illustration of Luke 1:49-52 NLT — [Mary responded] "For the Mighty One is holy, and he has done great things for me. He shows mercy from generation to generation to all who fear him. His mighty arm has done tremendous things! He has scattered the proud and haughty ones. He has brought down princes from their thrones and exalted the humble."

About This Devotional

Passion for Praise is a daily devotional consisting of a passage of Scripture that emphasizes praise to our God.