Quotemeal: Jan. 9th, 1955

Sunday, January 9, 1955

"Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish."
— John Quincy Adams

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"We do not err because truth is difficult to see. It is visible at a glance. We err because this is more comfortable."


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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Sunday, January 9, 1955

The classic twice-daily devotional from Charles H. Spurgeon.
"Christian! here is all thou canst require. To make thee happy thou wantest something that shall satisfy thee; and is not this enough? If thou canst..."
A daily devotional featuring a Bible verse, thought and prayer.
"Serve the LORD with fear and rejoice with trembling. ... Blessed are all who take refuge in him."
A daily devotional about the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
"On one occasion, while [Jesus] was eating with [the disciples], he gave them this command: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised,..."
A daily devotional featuring wise counsel found in Scripture.
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."


Illustration of John Quincy Adams — "Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish."

About This Devotional

Quotemeal is a daily dose of Christian quotes to inspire and encourage.