Quotemeal: May. 10th, 1958

Saturday, May 10, 1958

"Only he who flings himself upward when the pull comes to drag him down, can hope to break the force of temptation. Temptation may be an invitation to hell, but much more is it an opportunity to reach heaven. At the moment of temptation, sin and righteousness are both very near the Christian; but, of the two, the latter is the nearer."
— Charles H. Brent

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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Saturday, May 10, 1958

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Illustration of Charles H. Brent — "Only he who flings himself upward when the pull comes to drag him down, can hope to break the force of temptation. Temptation may be an invitation to hell, but much more is it an opportunity to reach heaven. At the moment of temptation, sin and righteousness are both very near the Christian; but, of the two, the latter is the nearer."

About This Devotional

Quotemeal is a daily dose of Christian quotes to inspire and encourage.