Quotemeal: Jul. 1st, 1959

Wednesday, July 1, 1959

"The purpose of religion — at any rate, the Christian religion — is not to get you into heaven, but to get heaven into you."
— Frederick Ward Kates

More Quotemeal

"The door of God is humility. Our fathers, through the many insults which they suffered, entered the city of God."
"If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a million enemies. Yet distance makes no difference. He is praying for me."
"The greatest battles are fought in the mind."
Casey Treat
"The golden rule for understanding in spiritual matters is not intellect, but obedience."


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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Wednesday, July 1, 1959

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"For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to..."
A daily devotional about God's power for our battles.
"By this I know that You favor and delight in me, Because my enemy does not shout in triumph over me."
Features the apostle Paul's writings turned into daily, powerful prayers.
"Dear Father, Thank you, Father, for giving your holy law to Moses and for the role it played in bringing people to Christ. Thank you even more that....."
A daily guide from the gospels that challenges readers to live for Jesus.
"[Jesus continued,] "What sorrow awaits you, Korazin and Bethsaida! For if the miracles I did in you had been done in wicked Tyre and Sidon, their..."


Illustration of Frederick Ward Kates — "The purpose of religion — at any rate, the Christian religion — is not to get you into heaven, but to get heaven into you."

About This Devotional

Quotemeal is a daily dose of Christian quotes to inspire and encourage.