Quotemeal: May. 25th, 1961

Thursday, May 25, 1961

"I may no longer depend on pleasant impulses to bring me before the Lord. I must rather respond to principles I know to be right, whether I feel them to be enjoyable or not."
— Jim Elliot

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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Thursday, May 25, 1961

A one-year devotional guide through the book of Acts.
"[Tabitha, or Dorcas in Greek, had died.] But the believers had heard that Peter was nearby at Lydda, so they sent two men to beg him, "Please come as..."
Features the apostle Paul's writings turned into daily, powerful prayers.
"Dear Father, What a glorious splendor Christ's gospel has! It is a dispensation of glory! And why shouldn't the dispensation of the Spirit be..."
A daily devotional about God's power for our battles.
"So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you..."
A daily devotional featuring a Bible verse, thought and prayer.
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."


Illustration of Jim Elliot — "I may no longer depend on pleasant impulses to bring me before the Lord. I must rather respond to principles I know to be right, whether I feel them to be enjoyable or not."

About This Devotional

Quotemeal is a daily dose of Christian quotes to inspire and encourage.