Quotemeal: Nov. 29th, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

"All that the downtrodden can do is go on hoping. After every disappointment they must find fresh reason for hope."
— Alexander Solzhenitsyn

More Quotemeal

"Just as at sea those who are carried away from the direction of the harbor bring themselves back on course by a clear sign, so Scripture may guide those adrift...."
"Time is too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love — time is eternity."
"There is no better evangelist in the world than the Holy Spirit."
"The vision must be followed by the venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps - we must step up the stairs."
Vance Havner


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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Monday, November 29, 2010

A daily devotional featuring wise counsel found in Scripture.
"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who..."
A daily devotional about God's power for our battles.
"Instead, take the lowest place at the foot of the table. Then when your host sees you, he will come and say, ‘Friend, we have a better place for you!’..."
A one-year devotional guide through the book of Acts.
"So the next day Agrippa and Bernice arrived at the auditorium with great pomp, accompanied by military officers and prominent men of the city. Festus..."
A daily devotional featuring a Bible verse, thought and prayer.
"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever. "


Illustration of Alexander Solzhenitsyn — "All that the downtrodden can do is go on hoping.  After every disappointment they must find fresh reason for hope."

About This Devotional

Quotemeal is a daily dose of Christian quotes to inspire and encourage.