When we have a deep and reverential respect for our holy God, we will love what God loves and hate what he hates. We need to realize, however, that the word "hate" is used very carefully in Scripture. This strong verb is not used often, and when it is used with God as the subject, the object of God's hatred needs to be noticed. God hates evil. God defines evil in our verse as pride, arrogance, wicked behavior, and vile speech. These are things that followers of Jesus not only avoid but also loathe. God wants his people to be people of character — people of humility, moral behavior, and helpful speech.
My Prayer...
O holy and righteous Father, forgive me of my pride and self-interest. Forgive me for my arrogance and deceitful tongue. Remake me by your Spirit to be holy in word and deed, compassionate toward those in need, and freed from evil. To you, O Lord, be the glory in my life and in your Church, forever and ever. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Saturday, March 21, 1959
"Dear Father, growth-giving God, Help me to be a genuinely spiritual person in Christ. Let me grow beyond having to be fed like a baby on soft food....."
"And remember that the heavenly Father to whom you pray has no favorites. He will judge or reward you according to what you do. So you must live in..."
"God the Father knew you and chose you long ago, and his Spirit has made you holy. As a result, you have obeyed him and have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus...."
About This Devotional
Today's Verse is a free daily devotional that includes a Bible verse, thought and prayer.
The Thoughts and Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware.
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