Today's Verse: Matthew 6:33

Thursday, September 27, 1962

Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
— Matthew 6:33

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Seek — pursue relentlessly — God's Lordship over your life and the righteousness that he demands in your daily life. The other stuff you pursue is all temporary. Only God and his Kingdom remain. In the process of pursuing God's kingdom and his righteousness, you will find that the God who gives you his Kingdom and righteousness, also will bless you with the things in this life that you need.

My Prayer...

Holy Lord, only in you do I find what satisfies my soul's desires. The things that have captured my eye are boring after only a short while. The artificial things I have pursued, all of my addictive pursuits, have left me empty and enslaved. I find hope and help only in you. Please be near to love, correct, discipline, lead, and mold me to your glory. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.


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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Thursday, September 27, 1962

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Illustration of Matthew 6:33 — Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

About This Devotional

Today's Verse is a free daily devotional that includes a Bible verse, thought and prayer.

The Thoughts and Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware.

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.