Today's Verse: Proverbs 29:25

Tuesday, October 2, 1962

Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.
— Proverbs 29:25

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Fear is such a paralyzing emotion. It robs us vitality, decision making ability, and strength. Courage helps us step out of fear's paralysis and turn its nervous edge into power. But this kind of courage comes to us fully only when we know that all Satan and his allies can really have of us is our bodies. He cannot take our mind, our attitude, our faith, and most of all, he cannot take our relationship with God given to us through Jesus.

Video Commentary...

We've included Phil's ToGather video from four years ago as an added blessing to our verse today:

My Prayer...

O God my Savior and great Redeemer, thank you for triumphing through Jesus over all that I fear. You have not only given me a hero I can trust, but a hope by which I can live victoriously. In the name of my Conquering King, Jesus, the victorious Rider on the white horse, I thank you. Amen.


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Other Devotionals from Heartlight for Tuesday, October 2, 1962

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Illustration of Proverbs 29:25 — Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.

About This Devotional

Today's Verse is a free daily devotional that includes a Bible verse, thought and prayer.

The Thoughts and Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware.

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.