Passion for Praise Archives


Jan. 1stEvery Spiritual BlessingEphesians 1:3
Jan. 2ndEverything!2 Peter 1:3-4
Jan. 3rdBecause He is JustPsalm 7:17
Jan. 4thHe Has Heard My CryPsalm 28:6-7
Jan. 5thEverything Comes from Him!Romans 11:34-36
Jan. 6thBecause He is JustPsalm 7:17
Jan. 7thI will Trust in Your Good NamePsalm 52:9
Jan. 8thWhy am I Discouraged?Psalm 42:11
Jan. 9thAll Day LongPsalm 44:8
Jan. 10thThe Great Love of Our Father1 John
Jan. 11thOur Hope is in You Alone!Psalm 33:20-22
Jan. 12thA New Song to SingPsalm 30:2-3
Jan. 13thHow Precious is Your Unfailing LovePsalm 36:5-8
Jan. 14thPraise to My RockPsalm 18:46
Jan. 15thYou Have Rescued MePsalm 13:5
Jan. 16thThe Glorious Grace Poured Out On UsEphesians 1:6-8
Jan. 17thBlessing and HonorRevelation 5:13
Jan. 18thHe Has Triumphed GloriouslyExodus 15:1-3
Jan. 19thSource of All Comfort2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Jan. 20thMy Youth is RenewedPsalm 103:1-5
Jan. 21stHe Loves with Unfailing LovePsalm 117:1-2
Jan. 22ndHis Everlasting ArmsDeuteronomy 33:26-27
Jan. 23rdShout!Psalm 100:1
Jan. 24thWe are His!Psalm 100:2-3
Jan. 25thFor the LORD is GoodPsalm 100:4-5
Jan. 26thNo One is Holy Like the LORD!1 Samuel 2:1-2
Jan. 27thSo Merciful, This God of OursPsalm 116:5-7
Jan. 28thHiding these ThingsMatthew 11:25-26
Jan. 29thNot to UsPsalm 115:1
Jan. 30thThe Heaven's Proclaim God's GloryPsalm 19:1-4
Jan. 31stHe Never Grows Weak or WearyIsaiah 40:28-29


Feb. 1stUnless the LORD Had Helped MePsalm 94:17-18
Feb. 2ndSalvation Comes from Our GodRevelation 7:10
Feb. 3rdWith All My HeartPsalm 111:1
Feb. 4thHow Amazing are God's DeedsPsalm 111:2-4
Feb. 5thWho is My Equal?Isaiah 40:25-26
Feb. 6thShout Joyfully to the LORDPsalm 95:1-2
Feb. 7thThe LORD is the Great GodPsalm 95:3-4
Feb. 8thHe is Our GodPsalm 95:6-7
Feb. 9thWith Their Faces to the GroundRevelation 7:11-12
Feb. 10thDoes He Need our Instruction?Isaiah 40:13-14
Feb. 11thIn our TimeHabakkuk 3:2-3
Feb. 12thWhat Joy!Psalm 126:1-3
Feb. 13thThe LORD Loves JusticePsalm 11:7
Feb. 14thTrue Love, Truly God1 John 4:9-10
Feb. 15thWho Else?Isaiah 40:12
Feb. 16thThe Eternal King1 Timothy 1:17
Feb. 17thHow Glorious is Our GodDeuteronomy 32:3-4
Feb. 18thThe LORD!Exodus 34:6
Feb. 19thSurrounded!Psalm 32:10-11
Feb. 20thEverywhere!Jeremiah 23:23-24
Feb. 21stAmazing Things!Psalm 126:1-3
Feb. 22ndWith My Dying BreathPsalm 146:1-2
Feb. 23rdSo Ready to ForgivePsalm 86:5
Feb. 24thThe Highest HeavensPsalm 71:19
Feb. 25thHe Has it AllDaniel 2:19-23
Feb. 26thThe God of DanielDaniel 6:26-27
Feb. 27thHe Keeps our Feet from StumblingPsalm 66:8-9
Feb. 28thNo One Can MeasurePsalm 145:1-4


Mar. 1stMay the Nations Praise YouPsalm 67:3-5
Mar. 1stLike a GardenIsaiah 61:11
Mar. 2ndIn the Presence of Your Faithful PeoplePsalm 52:9
Mar. 3rdBow Before HimPsalm 22:29-31
Mar. 4thExult in His Holy NamePsalm 105:1-3
Mar. 5thTrue and JustRevelation 19:1-2
Mar. 6thSpeak Out!Psalm 107:1-2
Mar. 7thAccording to His MercyIsaiah 63:7
Mar. 8thNever EnoughPsalm 106:1-2
Mar. 9thFrom the Least to the GreatestRevelation 19:5
Mar. 10thThe Roar of the Mighty Ocean WavesRevelation 19:6-7
Mar. 11thBoth Heaven and EarthIsaiah 66:1-2
Mar. 12thHonor the LORDPsalm 29:1
Mar. 13thYou Refused!Psalm 30:1
Mar. 14thMy Enemies Will RetreatPsalm 56:9-10
Mar. 15thMy Victory Comes from HimPsalm 62:1-2
Mar. 16thShout Joyful Praises!Psalm 66:1-4
Mar. 17thHoly HandsPsalm 134:2
Mar. 18thSing a New SongPsalm 149:1
Mar. 19thWith DancingPsalm 149:3-4
Mar. 20thProclaim His GreatnessPsalm 105:1-3
Mar. 21stPraise the LORDPsalm 135:3
Mar. 22ndSunrise to SunsetPsalm 65:8
Mar. 23rdA Cry for Help and HealthPsalm 30:2-4
Mar. 24thWho is Like You?Exodus 15:11
Mar. 25thClose to AllPsalm 145:17-18
Mar. 26thInto Your HandPsalm 31:5
Mar. 27thWhere Do I Put My Hope?Psalm 39:7-8
Mar. 28thGod is Not a ManNumbers 23:19
Mar. 29thYou Have Seen My TroublesPsalm 31:7-8
Mar. 30thCall on Me and Give Me GloryPsalm 50:15, 23
Mar. 31stHow Good!Psalm 147:1


Apr. 1stHow GreatPsalm 147:5-6
Apr. 2ndSing Out Your ThanksPsalm 147:7-9
Apr. 3rdTo Your Sacred HomeExodus 15:13
Apr. 4thEveryone on EarthPsalm 145:21
Apr. 5thBe My Rock of ProtectionPsalm 31:1-3
Apr. 6thYoung and Old Will HearPsalm 89:1-2
Apr. 7thThe People Gladly FollowedJudges 5:2-3
Apr. 8thAll the Marvelous ThingsPsalm 9:1
Apr. 9thGiving ThanksPsalm 50:23
Apr. 10thSing!Psalm 47:6-8
Apr. 11thGod Our StrengthPsalm 81:1-3
Apr. 12thExalt the LORDPsalm 99:5
Apr. 13thOur RefugePsalm 46:1-2
Apr. 14thYou Heard My Call for Help!Psalm 31:21-22
Apr. 15thShout His Praise!Psalm 98:7-9
Apr. 16thCoastlands Be Glad!Psalm 97:1-2
Apr. 17thWhy am I Discouraged?Psalm 42:5
Apr. 18thI Will Sing Praise to Your NamePsalm 9:2
Apr. 19thYour SacrificePsalm 50:14
Apr. 20thAs Your Name DeservesPsalm 48:9-10
Apr. 21stMake a Joyful SymphonyPsalm 98:5
Apr. 22ndFull Life PraisePsalm 101:1-3
Apr. 23rdShout!Psalm 40:16
Apr. 24thTake Delight!Psalm 37:4-6
Apr. 25thJoyful DancingPsalm 30:11-12
Apr. 26thThe LORD Made the HeavensPsalm 96:4-6
Apr. 27thYour Name is Holy!Psalm 99:3-4
Apr. 28thHe Does Not Ignore Their CriesPsalm 9:11-12
Apr. 29thHe Is Here!Psalm 46:7
Apr. 30thHow Great You Are!2 Samuel 7:22


May. 1stSing and TellPsalm 68:32-34
May. 2ndI Long for YouPsalm 42:1-2
May. 3rdFrom ChildhoodPsalm 71:5-6
May. 4thHoping for HelpPsalm 71:14
May. 5thI Will Tell EveryonePsalm 71:15
May. 6thYou Alone are JustPsalm 71:16
May. 7thWho Can Compare?Psalm 71:19
May. 8thShout and Sing!Psalm 71:23
May. 9thAll Day LongPsalm 71:24
May. 10thEven Those Who Sail Distant SeasPsalm 65:5
May. 11thWho Alone Does Great ThingsPsalm 72:18
May. 12thThe Whole EarthPsalm 72:19
May. 13thAmen and Amen!Psalm 51:13
May. 14thUnfailing LovePsalm 62:11-12
May. 15thI Will Not be ShakenPsalm 62:5-7
May. 16thHe Ransoms MePsalm 55:16-18
May. 17thProclaim His Greatness!1 Chronicles 16:8
May. 18thYes, Sing His Praises1 Chronicles 16:9
May. 19thExult in His Holy Name1 Chronicles 16:10-12
May. 20thProclaim the Good News1 Chronicles 16:23
May. 21stPublish His Good Deeds1 Chronicles 16:24
May. 22ndFeared Above All Gods1 Chronicles 16:25-27
May. 23rdRecognize the LORD1 Chronicles 16:28-30
May. 24thFields and Crops Burst Out with Joy1 Chronicles 16:31-33
May. 25thEverlasting to Everlasting1 Chronicles 16:34-36
May. 26thMy Strength!Psalm 18:1
May. 27thMy Place of SafetyPsalm 18:2
May. 28thI Called on the LORDPsalm 18:3
May. 29thYou Light Up My DarknessPsalm 18:28
May. 30thProven PromisesPsalm 18:30-31
May. 31stYou Give Great VictoriesPsalm 18:49-50


Jun. 1stOur FortressPsalm 46:11
Jun. 2ndIn the Presence of the Whole Assembly1 Chronicles 29:10
Jun. 3rdWe Adore You1 Chronicles 29:11
Jun. 4thYou Rule Over Everything1 Chronicles 29:12-13
Jun. 5thHe Gives Breath to EveryoneIsaiah 42:5
Jun. 6thShout Praises from the Mountaintops!Isaiah 42:10-11
Jun. 7thThe Whole WorldIsaiah 42:12
Jun. 8thSing, O Heavens!Isaiah 44:23
Jun. 9thThere is No Other!Isaiah 45:18
Jun. 10thBurst into Song!Isaiah 49:13
Jun. 11thWedding ClothesIsaiah 61:10
Jun. 12thNone Like You1 Chronicles 17:20
Jun. 13thWe Thank You1 Chronicles 29:13
Jun. 14thKing ForeverPsalm 10:16-18
Jun. 15thRise Up!Psalm 21:13
Jun. 16thWake Up, My Heart!Psalm 57:7-8
Jun. 17thAmong All the PeoplePsalm 57:9-10
Jun. 18thBe Exalted above the Highest Heavens!Psalm 57:11
Jun. 19thWhat Mighty PraisePsalm 65:1-4
Jun. 20thRight Beside MePsalm 16:7
Jun. 21stI Cling to YouPsalm 63:6-8
Jun. 22ndGod Who Shows Me Unfailing LovePsalm 59:16-17
Jun. 23rdSolid RockPsalm 18:30-31
Jun. 24thHe Did Not Ignore My PrayerPsalm 66:20
Jun. 25thYou Keep Your Covenant2 Chronicles 6:14
Jun. 26thHe is Good2 Chronicles 7:3
Jun. 27thThe LORD's Promises are PurePsalm 12:6-8
Jun. 28thClap Your Hands!Psalm 47:1-2
Jun. 29thHe Shows the Proper PathPsalm 25:8-10
Jun. 30thWhy Tremble?Psalm 27:1


Jul. 1stFind Shelter in HimPsalm 37:39-40
Jul. 2ndYou Have Rescued MePsalm 54:4, 6-7
Jul. 3rdHe Will Send Help!Psalm 57:1-3
Jul. 4thMay Your Glory Shine!Psalm 57:5
Jul. 5thFor the Honor of Your NamePsalm 31:1-3
Jul. 6thMy Soul Thirsts for YouPsalm 63:1-2
Jul. 7thYou Unfailing LovePsalm 63:3-5
Jul. 8thBe Glad in God's PresencePsalm 68:2
Jul. 9thFather to the FatherlessPsalm 68:4-6
Jul. 10thEach Day He Carries UsPsalm 68:19
Jul. 11thHe Rescues Us from DeathPsalm 68:20
Jul. 12thFor Those Who SearchPsalm 70:4-5
Jul. 13thTo Honor the LORDRomans 14:7-9
Jul. 14thAll You Servants of the LORDPsalm 134:1
Jul. 15thI Know the Greatness of the LORDPsalm 135:5
Jul. 16thJustice and CompassionPsalm 135:13-14
Jul. 17thPraise the LORD!Psalm 135:19-21
Jul. 18thThank God!Romans 7:23-25
Jul. 19thAll Glory to Him!Romans 11:33-36
Jul. 20thThe LORD Hears their CriesPsalm 69:32-34
Jul. 21stYou Alone are My HopePsalm 7:5-6
Jul. 22ndMore Than Anything!Psalm 73:25-26
Jul. 23rdMy ShelterPsalm 73:28
Jul. 24thBecause You Are NearPsalm 75:1
Jul. 25thGod Breaks the Strength of the WickedPsalm 75:9-10
Jul. 26thYou are GloriousPsalm 76:4
Jul. 27thPraise HimPsalm 135:1
Jul. 28thI Will Sing Your PraisesPsalm 138:1
Jul. 29thBacked by the Honor of Your NamePsalm 138:2-4
Jul. 30thCares for the HumblePsalm 138:6
Jul. 31stSurrounded by TroublesPsalm 138:7-8


Aug. 1stAll GloryRomans 16:25-27
Aug. 2ndThe Strong One Who Rescued MePsalm 140:6-8, 13
Aug. 3rdMy Tower of SafetyPsalm 144:1-2
Aug. 4thJoyful!Psalm 144:15
Aug. 5thAll PraiseEphesians 1:3
Aug. 6thPraise for His Glorious GraceEphesians 1:6-8
Aug. 7thGod's Guarantee Bring Us to Praise Him!Ephesians 1:14
Aug. 8thTell the Children!Psalm 145:3-4
Aug. 9thYour Awe-Inspiring Deeds!Psalm 145:5-7
Aug. 10thHe Showers CompassionPsalm 145:8-9
Aug. 11thLet the Heavens Be Glad!Psalm 96:11-13
Aug. 12thAll Creation Thanks You!Psalm 145:10-13
Aug. 13thYou Satisfy Every Living Thing!Psalm 145:13-16
Aug. 14thThe Word of the LORD Holds TruePsalm 33:2-5
Aug. 15thI Can Never StopPsalm 71:7-8
Aug. 16thPraise to the Most HighPsalm 92:1-3
Aug. 17thYou Thrill Me!Psalm 92:4-5
Aug. 18thFrom the Everlasting PastPsalm 93:2
Aug. 19thMightier than These!Psalm 93:3-4
Aug. 20thAll Who are Godly RejoicePsalm 97:11-12
Aug. 21stIn All He Has MadePsalm 104:31
Aug. 22ndAll My ThoughtsPsalm 104:33-35
Aug. 23rdWhen You Show FavorPsalm 106:4-5
Aug. 24thSo We Can Thank YouPsalm 106:47-48
Aug. 25thOnce More!Jeremiah 33:10-11
Aug. 26thHow Majestic Your NamePsalm 8:1
Aug. 27thSilencing Your EnemiesPsalm 8:2
Aug. 28thHe Will Give Them RestJeremiah 50:34
Aug. 29thWho Provides the Son!Jeremiah 31:35
Aug. 30thThe Fountain of Living WaterJeremiah 17:12-13
Aug. 31stDeserving PraisePsalm 48:1


Sep. 1stSing a New SongPsalm 96:1
Sep. 2ndBy His PowerJeremiah 51:15-16
Sep. 3rdNothing is Too Hard for You!Jeremiah 32:17
Sep. 4thBreak Out in Praise!Psalm 98:4
Sep. 5thLike a Great WarriorJeremiah 20:11-12
Sep. 6thThe Work of Your FingersPsalm 8:3-4
Sep. 7thMere Mortals?Psalm 8:5
Sep. 8thIn the Day of TroubleJeremiah 16:19
Sep. 9thIn All His Holy SplendorPsalm 96:9-10
Sep. 10thYou are the OneJeremiah 14:22
Sep. 11thPut in Charge!Psalm 9:6-7
Sep. 12thYour Majestic NamePsalm 8:9
Sep. 13thAt the Same TimeJeremiah 23:23-24
Sep. 14thA Shelter for the Oppressed!Psalm 9:9-10
Sep. 15thSing with Joy!Jeremiah 31:7-9
Sep. 16thIn the Great AssemblyPsalm 22:25
Sep. 17thWith His Own UnderstandingJeremiah 10:12-13
Sep. 18thEverlasting JoyPsalm 22:26
Sep. 19thUnfailing LoveJeremiah 32:18
Sep. 20thAll WisdomJeremiah 32:19
Sep. 21stStill Remembered to This Day!Jeremiah 32:20
Sep. 22ndOver All NationsPsalm 22:27-28
Sep. 23rdHow Great You Are!Psalm 104:1
Sep. 24thYou Stretch Them All OutPsalm 104:1-3
Sep. 25thYour MessengersPsalm 104:1, 4
Sep. 26thTo Mark the SeasonsPsalm 104:1, 19-20
Sep. 27thWhat a Variety!Psalm 104:24
Sep. 28thVast and Wide, Large and SmallPsalm 104:24-25
Sep. 29thPleasure in All He Has MadePsalm 104:24, 31
Sep. 30thThe Earth TremblesPsalm 104:24, 32


Oct. 1stWhat Joy!Psalm 32:1-2
Oct. 2ndThe Great and Awesome GodNehemiah 1:6
Oct. 3rdDon't Be AfraidJoel 2:21
Oct. 4thAll the PeopleNehemiah 8:6
Oct. 5thRefugeJoel 3:16
Oct. 6thThe Joy of the LORD!Nehemiah 8:10
Oct. 7thMerciful and CompassionateJoel 2:13
Oct. 8thFrom Everlasting to.EverlastingNehemiah 9:6
Oct. 9thThe Angels Worship YouNehemiah 9:6
Oct. 10thYou Did not Abandon ThemNehemiah 9:17
Oct. 11thIn Your Great Mercy!Nehamiah 9:31
Oct. 12thHis Miracle MercyPsalm 107:6-9
Oct. 13thJoy, Gladness, and ShoutingPsalm 70:4
Oct. 14thGod is Good!Psalm 73:1
Oct. 15thGlorious!Psalm 97:5-6
Oct. 16thOut of Your Dark CellPsalm 107:10-15
Oct. 17thYou've Done It All!Psalm 71:17-19
Oct. 18thThe LORD Sits in MajestyPsalm 99:1-2
Oct. 19thStrength and SongPsalm 118:14
Oct. 20thIn the Nick of TimePsalm 107:17-21
Oct. 21stSung in the Camp of the GodlyPsalm 118:15
Oct. 22ndMy Strength Comes from GOD!Psalm 121:1-2
Oct. 23rdYour Protective ShadePsalm 121:3-5
Oct. 24thThe Storm Died DownPsalm 107:28-31
Oct. 25thGlorious Things!Psalm 118:16
Oct. 26thLift High Your PraisesPsalm 107:32
Oct. 27thGiving Me VictoryPsalm 118:21
Oct. 28thIt's Time!Psalm 107:43
Oct. 29thYou are My God!Psalm 118:28
Oct. 30thWatch Over YouPsalm 121:8
Oct. 31stYou Who ServePsalm 135:1


Nov. 1stHe Will Redeem My Life!Psalm 49:15
Nov. 2ndGive Thanks!Psalm 118:29
Nov. 3rdGood People SeePsalm 107:42
Nov. 4thUnfailing LovePsalm 130:7
Nov. 5thSecure PromisesPsalm 146:5-9
Nov. 6thSupreme Over All the EarthPsalm 97:9
Nov. 7thRecognize the LORDPsalm 96:7
Nov. 8thSing it Out!Psalm 107:22
Nov. 9thAll Whose Hearts are Pure!Psalm 32:11
Nov. 10thHe Alone is Your God!Deuteronomy 10:21
Nov. 11thHe Rekindles Burned-out Lives1 Samuel 2:8
Nov. 12thProtectively Caring for His Faithful Friends1 Samuel 2:8-9
Nov. 13thPraise God in the Highest!Mark 11:9-10
Nov. 14thInterrupted by the Praise2 Chronicles 5:13-14
Nov. 15thA Great ShoutEzra 3:11
Nov. 16thYour Great PowerRevelation 11:17
Nov. 17thKneeling, Facing GodRomans 14:11-12
Nov. 18thDeath is Swallowed Up in Victory!1 Corinthians 15:53-55
Nov. 19thPraise for our Rescue!Galatians 1:3-5
Nov. 20thPraise God for the Son of David!Matthew 21:9
Nov. 21stEven the Children Were Shouting!Matthew 21:14-15
Nov. 22ndRejoice, O Heavens!Revelation 12:10-12
Nov. 23rdSo That God Will Be Given Glory!Romans 15:5-7
Nov. 24thProducing Great Praise to God2 Corinthians 9:10-11
Nov. 25thAbundant Thanksgivings to God2 Corinthians 9:12-15
Nov. 26thKnow the Glory of God, Seen in the Face of Jesus Christ!2 Corinthians 4:5-7
Nov. 27thIn the Name of the LORDLuke 19:39
Nov. 28thThe Song of Moses and the LambRevelation 15:3
Nov. 29thOutsiders and Insiders, Rejoice Together!Romans 15:10-11
Nov. 30thHeaven's ChoirsRevelation 19:1-2


Dec. 1stHis Saving PowerPsalm 98:1
Dec. 2ndEach Day Proclaim the Good NewsPsalm 96:2-3
Dec. 3rdFall Down and Worship GodRevelation 19:3-4
Dec. 4thHail to the King!John 12:13
Dec. 5thRolled Up His SleevesIsaiah 52:10
Dec. 6thNot to Us!Psalm 115:1
Dec. 7thOur Dwelling Place for All GenerationsPsalm 90:1-2
Dec. 8thIs there Any as Mighty as You?Psalm 77:13-15
Dec. 9thCompassion and MercyPsalm 86:15-16
Dec. 10thThe God of All the EarthIsaiah 54:5
Dec. 11thHe Heard My Cry for Mercy!Psalm 116:1
Dec. 12thWhat Joy for Those Who Trust in You!Psalm 84:11-12
Dec. 13thBe Exalted!Psalm 57:5
Dec. 14thIn a High and Holy PlaceIsaiah 57:15
Dec. 15thGod's Strong Name!Psalm 124:8
Dec. 16thYour Faithfulness Surrounds You!Psalm 89:8-9
Dec. 17thThe LORD Who ProvidesJeremiah 31:35
Dec. 18thForever PraisePsalm 89:52
Dec. 19thGod Makes Things RightPsalm 116:5-7
Dec. 20thThe LORD's Great LoveLamentations 3:22-23
Dec. 21stNo Need of the Sun!Isaiah 60:19-20
Dec. 22ndMy Soul Praises the LORDLuke 1:46-48
Dec. 23rdHe Has Done Great Things for Me!Luke 1:49-52
Dec. 24thHe Has Set His People FreeLuke 1:67-68
Dec. 25thGlory to GodLuke 2:13-14
Dec. 26thBack to Their FlocksLuke 2:20
Dec. 27thSimeon's PraiseLuke 2:28-32
Dec. 28thOvercome!Matthew 2:10-11
Dec. 29thAt All TimesPsalm 34:1-2
Dec. 30thHe Rescues MePsalm 35:9-10
Dec. 31stYou Have No EqualPsalm 40:5

About this Devotional

Passion for Praise is a daily devotional consisting of a passage of Scripture that emphasizes praise to our God.