This web site has been created as a meeting place for those who are praying for our nation and our world in difficult times. Join thousands as we lift our loved ones, our nation, and the world to God in prayer.

National Day of Prayer E-Cards | Web Site | Presidential Proclamation

National Day of Prayer Prayer Guide

Recent Articles:

What Every Christian, in Every Nation, Can Do During This Time of War
by David Smith
In light of the present war between the United States and Iraq, along with the accompanying world unrest and ... (read more)

Talking with Children About War, Terrorism, and the News
by Vicki Straughan
Our world faces complicated political issues with the conflict between the U.S. and Iraq, dissenting world views, and ... (read more)

War & Peace
by Rubel Shelly
A massive military buildup continues in the Middle East. Both conviction and partisanship have divided people ... (read more)

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