Spiritual Warfare: 'Baptized Believers Can Cast Out Demons'

God's Power for Our Battles — Sunday, August 31, 2025

Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned. These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.
— Mark 16:16-18 NLT

Today's Prayer

Lord, let my life be a witness to Your power. Let my conversion to Jesus Christ and my example of believers’ baptism inspire others to follow this simple act of faith and then let Your power flow through me and truly make a difference in the lives of others. May Your Kingdom come; May Your Will be done on earth, and in me, as it is done every single day in heaven. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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Illustration of Mark 16:16-18 NLT — Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned. These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.

About This Devotional

Spiritual Warfare is a daily devotional about God's power for our battles.

The Prayer for Spiritual Warfare is written by Steve Hemphill.