Spiritual Warfare Archives


Jan. 1stGod Watches Over the GodlyPsalm 1:6
Jan. 2ndGod Protects Through Your Faith1 Peter 1:5
Jan. 3rdGod Can Use Angels to Protect YouMatthew 26:52-53
Jan. 4thHumility & Fasting Get God’s AttentionEzra 8:21
Jan. 5thGod Rescues Those Who Share Their Faith2 Timothy 4:17-18
Jan. 6thGod Is a Mighty Protector Who SavesIsaiah 33:21-22
Jan. 7thGod Leads All Who Conform to His RulesRomans 12:1-2
Jan. 8thGod Rescues Those Who Obey His commandsJeremiah 1:7-8
Jan. 9thGod’s Word Is a Shield of ProtectionProverbs 30:5-6
Jan. 10thGod Rescues & Saves — No Other CanPsalm 7:1-2
Jan. 11thHelp Me Love the Truth2 Thessalonians 2:9-10
Jan. 12thGod Can Protect Your Home & PossessionsJob 1:9-10
Jan. 13thGod Rescues, Protects, & Strengthens2 Samuel 22:2-3
Jan. 14thGod Protects Those Who Seek Him For SafetyPsalm 91:1-2
Jan. 15thGod Protects From Traps & DiseasesPsalm 91:3-4
Jan. 16thGod Protects from all Attack & DestructionPsalm 91:5-6
Jan. 17thGod Is a Refuge for All Who Dwell in HimPsalm 91:9-10
Jan. 18thGod Rescues Those Who Love & Honor HimPsalm 91:14-15
Jan. 19thStand Strong in Faith to Defeat Satan1 Peter 5:8-9
Jan. 20thLife’s Troubles Are Opportunities to GrowJames 1:2-3
Jan. 21stLiving in Sin Means I’m Obeying SatanEphesians 2:2a
Jan. 22ndSatan Perverts Truth and All That Is GoodActs 13:10
Jan. 23rdResist Satan By Wearing God’s ArmorEphesians 6:13
Jan. 24thStand Firm and Hold Your Ground!Ephesians 6:14
Jan. 25thUse Prayer as a Weapon Against Evil1 Peter 3:12
Jan. 26thGod’s Truth Will Set You FreeJohn 8:31-32
Jan. 27thBribes Make People Ignore Bad BehaviorExodus 23:8
Jan. 28thSatan Works to Get Us All to Worship HimMatthew 4:9-10
Jan. 29thAvoid Sexual Immorality and All ImpurityColossians 3:5a
Jan. 30thGreed for Things Is Idolatry in God’s SightColossians 3:5b
Jan. 31stSatan Wants Us to Use Only Human WisdomMatthew 16:23


Feb. 1stPrayer + Touch Has Extra Healing PowerActs 28:8
Feb. 2ndPrayer + Fasting Overcomes Demonic ForcesMark 9:25-29
Feb. 3rdGod’s Word Is a Weapon Against EvilEphesians 6:14, 17
Feb. 4thTruth Spoken Is a Weapon Against TemptationMatthew 4:1-11
Feb. 5thSpoken Bindings Are a Weapon Against EnemiesMatthew 12:28-29
Feb. 6thA Spoken Rebuke Is a Weapon Against EvilZechariah 3:1-2
Feb. 7thA Spoken Testimony Is a WeaponRevelation 12:10-11
Feb. 8thWorship Is a Weapon Against The Demonic1 Samuel 16:23
Feb. 9thTithing Is a Weapon Against The EnemyMalachi 3:8-10
Feb. 10thHumility Is a Weapon Against the DevilJames 4:6-7
Feb. 11thPeace Is a Weapon of Stability & ReadinessEphesians 6:15 GWT &
Feb. 12thFaith Is a Shield of Protection Against AttackEphesians 6:16
Feb. 13thSalvation Is a Weapon That Breeds ConfidenceEphesians 6:17
Feb. 14thONLY Christians Can Say, “Jesus Is LORD”1 Corinthians 12:3 NASU & 1 John 4:3
Feb. 15thPrayer Is a Powerful Weapon Against Evil2 Thessalonians 1:11
Feb. 16thActs of Faith Are Weapons of FreedomMark 5:27-28
Feb. 17thMiracles You Need Are Limited by Your FaithMatthew 13:57-58
Feb. 18thYour Prayers Can Save Someone ElseGenesis 19:28-29
Feb. 19thCreator God Can Speak Realities into BeingGenesis 1:26
Feb. 20thSurround Yourself with the Word of GodDeuteronomy 6:6-9
Feb. 21stBlood on the Doorpost Protected by FaithHebrews 11:28
Feb. 22ndGod Has Always Marked His PeopleGenesis 17:13 NLT & Colossians 2:11-12a
Feb. 23rdChristians Wield Great Power in Their WordsMatthew 16:19
Feb. 24thGod Created Unseen Rulers and AuthoritiesColossians 1:16 NLT & Jude 1:6
Feb. 25thChristians Can Find Strength in GodEphesians 6:10
Feb. 26thOur Enemy Is a Powerful Unseen FoeEphesians 6:12
Feb. 27thRemember: Prayer Is the Heart of the BattleEphesians 6:18-19
Feb. 28thGod’s Armor Is Vital Against Satan’s SchemesEphesians 6:11


Mar. 1stUnseen Beings Affect Our Physical WorldGalatians 1:8
Mar. 2ndThere Are Only 2 Kingdoms: Darkness, & Light1 Peter 2:9
Mar. 3rdSatan Traps People to Do His Bidding2 Timothy 2:26
Mar. 4thDon’t Be Trapped by Desire for Wealth1 Timothy 6:9
Mar. 5thSatan Traps People Who Follow Human Wisdom1 Corinthians 3:18-19
Mar. 6thDrunkenness, Carousing, & Worry Are TrapsLuke 21:34-35
Mar. 7thWatch Out — Word Games Are Often Mind TrapsLuke 20:25-26
Mar. 8thFear of not Pleasing Others Is a Deadly TrapProverbs 29:25-26
Mar. 9thLoose Women Are Dangerous TrapsProverbs 23:27-28
Mar. 10thAmbition Can Become a Wicked TrapProverbs 11:5-6
Mar. 11thWickedness Is a Trap that Leads to DisasterProverbs 3:25-26
Mar. 12thGod alone Can Deliver You from Enemy TrapsPsalm 142:3-4
Mar. 13thObey God’s Commands to Avoid Enemy TrapsPsalm 119:110-111
Mar. 14thGod Rescues His Friends from Enemy TrapsPsalm 25:14-15
Mar. 15thGod Protects All Who Persevere in ObedienceRevelation 3:10-11
Mar. 16thJesus Prayed for Our Protection & UnityJohn 17:11
Mar. 17thPray and Watch Because Enemies Plan AttacksNehemiah 4:8-9
Mar. 18thHope Breeds Courage and Destroys FearJob 11:18-20
Mar. 19thGod Can Use Evil People to Protect the GodlyMark 6:19-20
Mar. 20thGod Protects Christians so We Can TestifyActs 26:21-23
Mar. 21stPray and Fear God and You’ll Have True RewardsI Peter 1:17-18
Mar. 22ndGod Call Us all to Be Fishers of MenMatthew 4:19-20
Mar. 23rdJesus’ Purpose Is Life, and Satan’s Is DeathJohn 10:9-10
Mar. 24thAnger Can Control You if You Let ItProverbs 29:11 NIV & Ephesians 4:26
Mar. 25thPray Through Troubles While Serving OthersRomans 12:11-12
Mar. 26thKindness Kills Anger and Wisdom Calms OthersProverbs 15:1-2
Mar. 27thGod Rejects Your Worship Until You ReconcileMatthew 5:23-24
Mar. 28thProve You Are God’s: Pray for Your EnemiesMatthew 5:44-45
Mar. 29thGod’s Power Works Through Our Weaknesses2 Corinthians 12:9-10
Mar. 30thLook Past Your Troubles to See Eternal Glory2 Corinthians 4:17-18
Mar. 31stIdolatry Should Trouble Us Toward OutreachActs 17:16-17


Apr. 1stChristians Have Trouble Now and Victory LaterRomans 8:35, 37
Apr. 2ndDepression Isn't a New Problem — Pray Psalm 143:6-7
Apr. 3rdConceit Blinds You to Your Own FaultsPsalm 36:1-3
Apr. 4thPut God First and He Will See to Your NeedsMatthew 6:33-34
Apr. 5thGod Comforts Us so We Can Comfort Others2 Corinthians 4:3-4
Apr. 6thGod Uses Your Difficulties to Save OthersGenesis 45:4-5
Apr. 7thForgive Others — Even if They Haven't AskedLuke 23:33-34
Apr. 8thSuffering in This World Connects Us to Jesus2 Corinthians 4:8-10
Apr. 9thGod's Forgiveness Requires You to ForgiveMark 11:25
Apr. 10thUngodly People and the Second DeathRevelation 21:7-8
Apr. 11thExcuses Are Often LiesExodus 4:10 NCV & Acts 7:22
Apr. 12thGod Rescues the Faithful from Evil IntentionsActs 7:9-10
Apr. 13thGod Makes All Things Work Together for GoodRomans 8:28-29
Apr. 14thRest in the Peace of Jesus Until He ReturnsJohn 14:27-28
Apr. 15thHappiness Comes from Being Pure & ObedientPsalm 119:1-2
Apr. 16thGod Helps Those Living in Covenant with HimI Samuel 17:26
Apr. 17thGod Knows Everything You Will ever DoPsalm 139:16-17
Apr. 18thBeware: False Teachers May Be in Your Group2 Peter 2:1
Apr. 19thResist the Temptation to Follow the CrowdExodus 23:1-3
Apr. 20thFollowing God Daily Isn't Always an Easy PathExodus 15:22-23 NCV
Apr. 21stBe Brave Because the LORD Is on Our Side2 Chronicles 32:7-8
Apr. 22ndMore Than Any OtherMark 12:42-44
Apr. 23rdDiscovering God's Great TreasurePsalm 119:161-162
Apr. 24thDear Loved by GodMark 1:9-11
Apr. 25thHumble Prayer and Seeking2 Chronicles 7:14
Apr. 26thBe Undaunted!John 16:33
Apr. 27thGreatly Encouraged by Strong Faith1 Thessalonians 3:7-8
Apr. 28thOverflow of God's Grace2 Corinthians 8:1-3
Apr. 29thLast Days!2 Timothy 3:1-2
Apr. 30thA Fool and His Earthly WealthLuke 12:20-21


May. 1stOur Place of EncouragementHebrews 10:24-25
May. 2ndLies Disguised as Truth1 Timothy 4:1-2
May. 3rdTrue Treasure, Not Rust and RuinMatthew 6:19-20
May. 4thThe Truth about Love1 Corinthians 13:4-5
May. 5thEnemies of God Don't Trust the BibleJames 4:4-5
May. 6thCancer in the BonesProverbs 14:29-30
May. 7thThose Whose Heart is Completely His2 Chronicles 16:9
May. 8thDemons Promote Worldly Theories About GodColossians 2:8
May. 9thGod Leads & Protects His Faithful ServantsIsaiah 52:11-12
May. 10thTrust God — He Guides, Rescues, and Hides YouPsalm 143:8-9
May. 11thGod even Examines Your Secret MotivesJeremiah 17:9-10
May. 12thGod Directs and Restores Godly PeoplePsalm 37:23-24
May. 13thGod Tests You to See if You Will Obey HimDeuteronomy 8:1-2
May. 14thWe Must Find the Lost SheepMatthew 18:11-13
May. 15thJesus Regularly Gathered with God's PeopleLuke 4:14-16
May. 16thSafety and Joy in the LORD's PresencePsalm 16:9-11
May. 17thGod's Faithfulness and Unfailing LoveProverbs 16:6-7
May. 18thUse Me to Open the Eyes of the LostActs 26:17-18
May. 19thGod Knows All About Me!Psalm 139:1-3
May. 20thHarassed by Satan?2 Corinthians 12:7
May. 21stSome Laws are Designed to Dishonor GodDaniel 6:7
May. 22ndGod, You Are My Hiding Place!Psalm 32:7-8
May. 23rdGod Will Clear the WayProverbs 3:5-6
May. 24thCome to the LORD for the Rest You NeedMatthew 11:28-30
May. 25thFreed from the Power of Sin!Romans 8:1-2
May. 26thThe LORD Is Our Only Brag!1 Corinthians 1:30-31
May. 27thStrength for Daily Life from JesusPhilippians 4:12-13
May. 28thPursuit of the Abundant Life2 Corinthians 9:8-9
May. 29thGod's Gift, Jesus' Sacrifice, Our Life!John 3:16
May. 30thGod Does What Seems ImpossibleLuke 18:27
May. 31stDon't Focus on Wealth — It Will DisappearProverbs 23:4-5


Jun. 1stGod’s Generous ProvisionPhilippians 4:18-19
Jun. 2ndUnderstanding Is a Gift from GodDeuteronomy 29:2-4
Jun. 3rdNot Fear, But Power, Love, and Self-discipline2 Timothy 1:6-7
Jun. 4thAnswers and VictoryIsaiah 54:15, 17
Jun. 5thDon’t Be Afraid – God Fights for His PeopleDeuteronomy 1:29-30
Jun. 6thThe Only Way to GodJohn 14:6-7
Jun. 7thGuiding You to EternityPsalm 73:23-24
Jun. 8thOur Refuge Who Drives Our Enemies AwayDeuteronomy 33:26-27
Jun. 9thGod Rescues Us and Carries UsPsalm 68:19-21
Jun. 10thDiversify Your Good Works for GodEcclesiastes 11:5-6
Jun. 11thChristians Are Set Free from Sin’s PowerRomans 6:6-7
Jun. 12thGod Won’t Fail You, He Will Lead the WayDeuteronomy 31:6
Jun. 13thSeek God with All Your Heart and You’ll Find HimJeremiah 29:12-13
Jun. 14thListen Very Carefully: Guard Your HeartProverbs 4:20, 23
Jun. 15thA Good City Is Good for YouJeremiah 29:7
Jun. 16thPray During the Night – Stay Close to GodPsalm 63:6-8
Jun. 17thJesus Came to Show Mercy1 Timothy 1:15-16
Jun. 18thGod Will Help You Defeat Your EnemiesIsaiah 41:12-13
Jun. 19thUnder Slanderous Attacks I Trust in You!Psalm 56:2-4
Jun. 20thConfession and Cleansing1 John 1:9
Jun. 21stGood Spiritual Health3 John 2-3
Jun. 22ndMany Have Endured: You Can, Too!Hebrews 12:1
Jun. 23rdJesus Endured Much, so You Can, TooHebrews 12:2-3
Jun. 24thPrayer Brings Peace Which Guards Your HeartPhilippians 4:6-7
Jun. 25thGod’s Blessings Protect, Sustain, and Guard YouNumbers 6:24-26
Jun. 26thPrayerful Watchfulness Overcomes TemptationMark 14:38
Jun. 27thElders' Prayers Are PowerfulJames 5:14-15
Jun. 28thPrayer and Confession Produces Wonderful ResultsJames 5:16
Jun. 29thSelf-Examination Before Communion1 Corinthians 11:28-30
Jun. 30thDon’t Fear a Lack of Money – God Will HelpHebrews 13:5-6


Jul. 1stMy Enemy Does Not Shout in Victory over MePsalm 41:11
Jul. 2ndFailure to Do What You Know Is Right Is SinJames 4:17
Jul. 3rdGodly Folks Desire Justice for the PoorProverbs 29:7
Jul. 4thGod Wants Us to Be Compassionate & Generous1 John 3:17
Jul. 5thThe Gospel Saves through FaithRomans 1:16-17
Jul. 6thGod Took Pleasure in Adopting UsEphesians 1:5
Jul. 7thProtected to ProclaimActs 26:22-23
Jul. 8thCome to Him in HumilityJames 4:8-10
Jul. 9thDisplaying God's Wisdom in Heavenly RealmsEphesians 3:10-11
Jul. 10thGod’s Spirit: The Author of UnityEphesians 4:3-6
Jul. 11thImmorality and Greed Keeps You Out of HeavenEphesians 5:5
Jul. 12thChristians Have God’s Spirit, Not the World’s1 Corinthians 2:11-12
Jul. 13thSexual Sin Blocks Our Path to God's Kingdom1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Jul. 14thGod's Power Over Death for Us!1 Corinthians 6:14
Jul. 15thShared Suffering Leads to Shared Comfort2 Corinthians 1:6-7
Jul. 16thCancelling our Sin, Giving us a Mission2 Corinthians 5:19
Jul. 17thTaking Every Thought Captive2 Corinthians 10:3-5
Jul. 18thGod’s Weapons Win Over Worldy Strongholds2 Corinthians 10:4
Jul. 19thDon't Let Your Mind Be Led Away2 Corinthians 11:3
Jul. 20thSatan and His Agents Can Be in Disguise2 Corinthians 11:14-15
Jul. 21stWho Are You Trying to Please?Galatians 1:10
Jul. 22ndFoolishly Tricked Away from the CrossGalatians 3:1
Jul. 23rdBlaming Others for Our SinGenesis 3:11-13
Jul. 24thSatan Will Be Punished ForeverRevelation 20:9-10
Jul. 25thDestroying OneselfJude 1:10-11
Jul. 26thDon't Be Led in the Wrong Way1 John 3:7-8
Jul. 27thWarn Each Other Every DayHebrews 3:13-14
Jul. 28thPersecution Coming!2 Timothy 3:12-13
Jul. 29thStay Strong in Jesus Without Being DeceivedColossians 2:4-5
Jul. 30thAvoid People Who Cause DivisionsRomans 16:17-18
Jul. 31stWatch Out for False Messiahs and ProphetsMark 13:21-23


Aug. 1stPast Sins Do NOT Mean You Can’t Come to GodZechariah 3:3-4
Aug. 2ndJesus Holds the Keys to Death and HellRevelation 1:17-18
Aug. 3rdPray for Eyes to See Ourselves as God Sees UsRevelation 3:15-17
Aug. 4thLove God, Be Loyal, and Follow All His DirectionsDeuteronomy 11:22-23
Aug. 5thFaith Transforms You if You Trust His Word1 Corinthians 15:2
Aug. 6thVictory Comes by the Oil of the Holy SpiritZechariah 4:6
Aug. 7thGod Speaks, and Doors Open at His CommandRevelation 3:7
Aug. 8thGod Rescues His Faithful Messengers2 Peter 2:4-5
Aug. 9thGod Rescues the Godly and Punishes the Wicked2 Peter 2:8-9
Aug. 10thTurn to Jesus to Escape Enslaving Sing2 Peter 2:19-20
Aug. 11thServing God with Angels in HeavenZechariah 3:6-7
Aug. 12thDarkness: Where Liars Live1 John 1:6-7
Aug. 13thGod's Life-giving Power Delivers Us from Sin1 John 3:9-10
Aug. 14thProof We've Moved from Death to Life1 John 3:14-15
Aug. 15thDiscerning Human Desires from Spiritual Promptings1 Chronicles 21:1-2,7
Aug. 16thThe Powerful Spirit of God is in You1 John 4:4-5
Aug. 17thTesting the Purity of Our HeartsDeuteronomy 13:1-3
Aug. 18thGod's People Know His VoiceJohn 10:26-27
Aug. 19thVisions & WhispersJob 33:14-18
Aug. 20thGod's Army that Is With Us2 Kings 6:16-17
Aug. 21stGod Helps Those Who Turn from EvilAmos 5:14-15
Aug. 22ndThe Holy Spirit Helps Our PrayersRomans 8:26-27
Aug. 23rdLove Is Proved Through Our Generous Love1 John 3:16-17
Aug. 24thWhat Causes Our Fights and Quarrels?James 4:1-2
Aug. 25thBrought Near by the Blood of ChristEphesians 2:12-13
Aug. 26thDon't Yield to False Gods!Deuteronomy 32:16-18
Aug. 27thSacrificing Children and Polluting the LandPsalm 106:36-38
Aug. 28thKingdom Ambassadors with Power Over DemonsMatthew 10:5-8
Aug. 29thDo Not Stop Him!Mark 9:38-39
Aug. 30thSent to the End they FearLuke 8:30-32
Aug. 31stBaptized Believers Can Cast Out DemonsMark 16:16-18


Sep. 1stAuthority Over Demons in Jesus' NameLuke 10:16-17
Sep. 2ndDon't Share the Altar with Demons1 Corinthians 10:18-20
Sep. 3rdObedience Shows Our Love for JesusJohn 14:15-17
Sep. 4thLove Displaces Fear of Judgment1 John 4:18-19
Sep. 5thGod Wants All People to Turn to Him!2 Peter 3:8-9
Sep. 6thGod Defends and Protects His OwnPsalm 5:11-12
Sep. 7thTrue Growth Because of PrayerColossians 1:9-10
Sep. 8thFaith Unleashes God's PowerHebrews 11:29-30
Sep. 9thRescued from Darkness, Transferred into LightColossians 1:12-13
Sep. 10thIn the Name of the LORD!1 Samuel 17:10, 16, 45
Sep. 11thSteadfast Under TrialJames 1:12
Sep. 12thDon't Give the Devil an Opportunity!Ephesians 4:27
Sep. 13thPray for Boldness, Not Just ProtectionActs 4:29-31
Sep. 14thFaith to See the Invisible GodHebrews 11:26-27
Sep. 15thFaith Saves and Is RewardedHebrews 11:7
Sep. 16thDemonic Powers Can't Separate Us from God's LoveRomans 8:38-39
Sep. 17thSuccess and Power Can Lead to Bad Choices2 Samuel 11:1-2
Sep. 18thGod Protects the Innocent and Loyal PeopleProverbs 2:6-8
Sep. 19thThe LORD Is My Savior, Shield, Refuge, and StrongholdPsalm 144:1-2
Sep. 20thGod Is a Refuge, a Shield, and a Source of HopePsalm 119:113-115
Sep. 21stGod Is Light and Protection for All Who TrustPsalm 84:11-12
Sep. 22ndGod Wants You Clearheaded and Confident1 Thessalonians 5:7-9
Sep. 23rdGod Is Savior, Shield, Safe Place, and ProtectorPsalm 18:1-3
Sep. 24thGod Allowed Faith to Free Us from PrisonGalatians 3:23-25
Sep. 25thFind Strength in God to Overcome!Psalm 18:29-31
Sep. 26thGod Destroys the Proud and Protects WidowsProverbs 15:24-26
Sep. 27thGod’s Wisdom Offers Insight and ProtectionProverbs 4:5-7
Sep. 28thGod Hears Our CriesPsalm 28:6-7
Sep. 29thThe LORD Lifts Up His PeoplePsalm 146:8-10
Sep. 30thGod Watches Over and Rescues His PeoplePsalm 33:18-21


Oct. 1stWorship God — It Brings True RestLeviticus 16:29-31
Oct. 2ndKnow Plus Obey Equals Success and ConfidenceJoshua 1:8-9
Oct. 3rdGod Rescues from Oppression and SufferingJudges 2:18
Oct. 4thAll Are Dependent Upon GodRuth 1:1-2
Oct. 5thSolomon Prayed for God to Answer Prayer1 Kings 8:46-49
Oct. 6thExcess Drinking Can Lead to Abusive ActionsEsther 1:10-11
Oct. 7thGod Wants Us to Remove Any Hidden IdolatryLeviticus 14:37-38
Oct. 8thHappiness Is in Understanding and ObediencePsalm 119:33-35
Oct. 9thGod Is a Rock of Salvation and VictoryPsalm 62:1-2
Oct. 10thGod Strengthens and Protects from DisasterPsalm 46:1-2
Oct. 11thDon’t Worry, God Supports and StrengthensIsaiah 41:10-11
Oct. 12thListening to and Following Jesus Equals StabilityMatthew 7:24-25
Oct. 13thBe Thankful, Prayerful, Vocal, and Glad in Him1 Chronicles 16:8-11
Oct. 14thStudy God’s Word and Will WholeheartedlyPsalm 119:16-18
Oct. 15thPray You Will Exhibit God’s Love and Patience2 Thessalonians 3:4-5
Oct. 16thGod Is Your GuardPsalm 139:4-6
Oct. 17thDon't Worry about Their Threats1 Peter 3:13-15
Oct. 18thGod Hears My Prayer!Psalm 116:1-4
Oct. 19thGod Frees People from Mental Slavery1 Corinthians 7:20-22
Oct. 20thGod Enriches Life and Brightens Your FuturePsalm 16:5-8
Oct. 21stOutsiders (Us) Are Welcome in God’s KingdomActs 11:11-13
Oct. 22ndGod Wants Us to Share Stories about JesusLuke 21:13-15
Oct. 23rdGod Will Help You EscapePsalm 124:6-8
Oct. 24thGod Truly CaresLuke 12:28-30
Oct. 25thPray to Recognize Your FaultsLuke 6:41-42
Oct. 26thFear God with Reverence and PraiseRevelation 14:7
Oct. 27thBe Respectful, Regardless1 Peter 2:16-18
Oct. 28thTrust God: He Knows What He’s DoingIsaiah 55:8-9
Oct. 29thGod Rules: Praise, Serve, and Honor HimRevelation 19:5-6
Oct. 30thWorry Never Accomplishes AnythingLuke 12:25-27
Oct. 31stDon’t Just Do Something; Stand TherePsalm 46:10-11


Nov. 1stNOTHING Happens Without God’s PermissionLamentations 3:37-40
Nov. 2ndGod Does Miracles for His PeopleExodus 14:29-31
Nov. 3rdFollowing God Isn’t Always a Smooth Journey Numbers 10:11-12
Nov. 4thDoubts Come During Crisis – Stay FaithfulLuke 7:18-20
Nov. 5thNo Concern for the Poor Hinders PrayerIsaiah 58:7-9
Nov. 6thReturning to the Same Sin Hinders Our PrayerJeremiah 11:10-11
Nov. 7thLiving in Wickedness Hinders PrayerProverbs 15:27-29
Nov. 8thDoubt and Divided Loyalty Hinders PrayerJames 1:6-7
Nov. 9thSelfishness Hinders PrayerJames 4:3
Nov. 10thSpousal Mistreatment Hinders Prayer1 Peter 3:7
Nov. 11thDon’t Focus on Getting RevengeRomans 12:19-21
Nov. 12thPornography and Faithlessness Alienate GodIsaiah 57:8
Nov. 13thLies and Deceit Hinder Relationship with GodPsalm 101:6-8
Nov. 14thSome ACT Religious But Reject God’s Power2 Timothy 3:3-5
Nov. 15thSatan Looks for Sheep All Alone1 Peter 2:24-25
Nov. 16thGod Has Sheep Not in Your GroupJohn 10:15-16
Nov. 17thMake the Choice to Serve God FaithfullyJoshua 24:14-15
Nov. 18thGod Loves Prayer, Confession, and FastingDaniel 9:3-4
Nov. 19thPrayer Plus Touch Plus Fasting Is EffectiveActs 13:2-3
Nov. 20thWatch for the Enemy and Pray for Your CityIsaiah 62:12-13
Nov. 21stHealing in Response to Repentance, Fasting, and Anointing with OilMark 6:12-13
Nov. 22ndPray and Confess Your Sins and Your Nation’s SinsDaniel 9:20
Nov. 23rdJesus Prayed for Our Unity, So Let's Pursue ItJohn 17:20-21
Nov. 24thChristians Have Authority, So USE ItMatthew 18:18
Nov. 25thChristians Tell Demons to Leave PermanentlyMark 9:25
Nov. 26thSelfless Devotion to God Is a Godly WeaponRevelation 12:11 NLT
Nov. 27thLive with Devotion and Hope in JesusTitus 2:12-13
Nov. 28thGenerous Giving Brings Good Results2 Corinthians 9:12
Nov. 29thA Life of Humility Exalts the RighteousLuke 14:10-11
Nov. 30thHumility Brings Light to DarknessPsalm 18:26-28


Dec. 1stNot Surprising that Christians Are Hated1 John 3:12-13
Dec. 2ndLiving with Jesus Requires that We SufferRomans 8:16-18
Dec. 3rdDon’t Be Intimidated by Your EnemiesPhilippians 1:28
Dec. 4thSuffering for Christ Is a PrivilegePhilippians 1:29-30
Dec. 5thThe World Hated Jesus, FirstJohn 15:18-19
Dec. 6thIt Hurts when Your Own Family Attacks You1 Samuel 17:27-28
Dec. 7thWe Are Called to Suffer with Christ2 Timothy 2:3-7
Dec. 8thGod Will Use Our Suffering2 Thessalonians 1:5-6
Dec. 9thGod Laughs at the Plots Against HimPsalm 2:2-4
Dec. 10thDon’t Fear: Believe that Jesus is Preparing a Place for YouJohn 14:1-2
Dec. 11thGod’s People Have Hope and a Great FutureJeremiah 29:8-11
Dec. 12thRepentance is Necessary!Revelation 9:20-21
Dec. 13thFocus on Good Things and Find the God of PeacePhilippians 4:8-9
Dec. 14thGod Will Ultimately Elevate His Obedient PeopleDeuteronomy 28:1
Dec. 15thMay My Words and Thoughts Honor You O GodPsalm 19:13-14
Dec. 16thControl Your TongueProverbs 13:3-4
Dec. 17thWisdom Avoids the Bitterness of ImmoralityProverbs 5:1-4
Dec. 18thGod's Love is Perfected in Us When We Love1 John 4:11-13
Dec. 19thThe Easy Sins of Youth2 Timothy 2:22-25
Dec. 20thObey and Be Pure, Internalizing ScripturePsalm 119:9-11
Dec. 21stCurb Your Ego – Measure Yourself by FaithRomans 12:3
Dec. 22ndWork as if You Are Serving the LORD ChristColossians 3:23-24
Dec. 23rdDon’t Fear Leaving Safety to Follow JesusMatthew 14:28-30
Dec. 24thMake the Most of Every Earthly OpportunityColossians 4:5-6
Dec. 25thDo Good: Be Joyful, Prayerful, and Thankful1 Thessalonians 5:15-18
Dec. 26thGod Knows, but Still Wants You to PrayMatthew 6:6-8
Dec. 27thPeace for Those Who Depend upon GodIsaiah 26:1-3
Dec. 28thCalled to Make Disciples, Everywhere!Matthew 28:18-20
Dec. 29thJesus Suffered so We Could Go Home with HimHebrews 13:19-21
Dec. 30thGod is Pleased with Faithfulness Under Suffering1 Peter 2:19-21
Dec. 31stBe Faithful Until Death, and You’ll Live ForeverRevelation 2:10-11

About this Devotional

Spiritual Warfare is a daily devotional about God's power for our battles.

The Prayer for Spiritual Warfare is written by Steve Hemphill.