Find the cost of
freedom, no longer in the ground. |
Les came back from
World War II without one arm and missing several
fingers on the other hand. He has carried the price
tag of freedom in his own body ever since. He is like
so many who are among us who purchased and preserved
our freedom at great cost. It is a cost they can
never forget because they bear on their bodies and
their psyches the horrors of war. But Les came back.
Tens of thousands of others never came back from
World War II, or Korea, or Viet Nam. The bombing in
Saudi Arabia is just another reminder that the
vigilance and cost of freedom is high. The old
Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young line is true:
Find the cost of freedom, buried in
the ground. On Independence Day, July
4th, lets remember that cost!
There was a war for all
the human race in which freedom was purchased. This
freedom was purchased at great cost as well. But
unlike the freedom purchased for Americans, the
symbol of that cost is not a hillside of white
crosses or the Tomb of the Unknown or a black wall of
names. As precious as these symbols are, they do not
compare to the symbol of the Empty Tomb. This symbol
transcends ethnic and national boundaries.
The Empty Tomb is the
symbol of the cost of true freedom for all
peoplethe cost of Jesus leaving the security
and power of heaven and becoming earthbound and
mortal. It is the symbol of the degradation of a
crucifixion and mocking and agonizing death on a
cross and three days in the ground. But the words to
this tune are different. Find the cost of
freedom, no longer in the ground.
You see, the Empty Tomb
is the sign of ultimate freedom. It is the reminder
that we no longer have to fear death. All of our
mortal fears are conquered. As the apostle Paul says,
Death has been swallowed up in victory:
'Oh Death, where is your victory? O Death, where is
your sting?
For the Christian,
Independence Day doesnt come once a year, but
every week. The early Christians met on the first day
of the week, Sunday, to take of the Lords
Supper. This is their Independence Day. By the end of
the first century, Sunday had become the Lords
Day. On this day they remembered the Lords
death and anticipated his return because freedom from
death had been won. Independence Day is the day of
the Empty Tomb! So as each Sunday approaches,
lets remember the cost of our freedom and give
Since the children have flesh and
blood, he (Jesus) too shared in their humanity so
that by his death he might destroy him who holds the
power of deaththat is the deviland free
those who all their lives were held in slavery by
their fear of death. (Hebrews 2:14-15)