Seeing Ned's despair, Julia assured him that he shouldn't worry. In fact, she immediately contacted the cleaning staff and asked that they keep an eye out for the hearing aid as they cleaned. Within minutes, a member of the cleaning staff knocked on the door.
After hearing of Ned's dilemma, she walked in, quietly stood in the middle of the room and softly began to pray.
"Oh Lord, this poor 'ol man has lost his hearing aid. He needs it so bad. Lord, please help us to find it."
No sooner had she opened her eyes that she heard a noise; it sounded like a small motor running. "Do you hear that?" she asked the other women. They both strained to listen for the sound.
"Yeah, I do," Julia said surprisingly. The impromptu search team followed the mysterious sound into the bathroom. Sure enough, there sat the hearing aid, buzzing away behind the toilet.
"It's a miracle!" declared the cleaning lady.
Was it a miracle?
Could finding a hearing aid even remotely deserve such divine intervention from God?
The word "miracle" has two definitions. The first listed definition was "a marvelous event manifesting a supernatural act of God." And the second listed definition was "any amazing or wonderful occurrence."
On that day, a group of people chose to consider someone else's needs above their own. They eagerly and wholeheartedly gave of themselves to help a friend. A sincere and earnest prayer was offered to God, with genuine faith that He would bring guidance. God smiled on them all and "... worked all things together for good ..." (Romans 8:28)
Through faith, we're able to see the hand of God working in our lives. By seeing his work in our lives, our faith grows stronger. So, either way you look at it, what happened that day was a miracle. I'm certain that Ned would agree.
(Story shared by Juanita Vaughan from Hendersonville, Tennessee.)
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