Heavenly Father,
For more than five years, I have come to you with prayers on behalf of my child. Before I even knew Jeffrey was a boy, I prayed to you almost daily for his safety, his soul, and his good health. You have blessed me many times over, Father, with a healthy son, and with five wonderful years of enjoying his smiles, his laughter, and feeling his loving arms around my neck. You have also given me more patience than I knew I had, in dealing with his anger, his stubbornness, and his disobedience. For all of these things, and much, much more, I thank you Father.
Today, I come with another request. My son, who has been by my side for all of his young life, is going to be starting kindergarten soon, and it is something he is looking forward to with great joy and anticipation. Mom, on the other hand, has a few reservations. How will I be able to let him go, and entrust his care to a stranger for six hours a day, five days a week? How can I let anyone else be such an important influence in his life? Please give me strength Father, to know that you will be with him when I can't be, and that you are in control of his life and mine, always.
In Jesus name, Amen
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