"It is a dark and stormy night." (The room becomes dark.)
"Lightning flashes across the sky." (Various lights begin blinking.)
"The wind is howling." (Sounds of a storm fill the room.)
"The ship is tossed about." (Everyone starts swaying from side to side.)
Here is the best part: "Huge waves crash overhead." (I squirt the children with a spray bottle.)
Can you picture what's happening?
Children are squealing and laughing. There's total chaos in the room as the storm continues to rage and the children shout with me: "We're going to drown! Help! Who will save us?"
Then, God gives us a miracle.
Sill in my best storyteller voice, I shout: "Look! Up ahead! What's that?" (In the far corner of the room a light begins to shine.)
"It's a light — from a lighthouse! We're saved! We were lost and now we are found!"
Wow! What a great lesson. After all, could anything offer more hope and direction to a ship caught in the grip of a fierce storm than the bright, steady beam of light from a lighthouse? What could possibly provide more comfort than that reassuring glow: a light to guide you safely home?
But the story of the lighthouse to guide you safely home is far more than just a children's story.
Lord, you have brought light to my life; my God, you light up my darkness (Psalm 18:28). Like a lighthouse, God offers the light of direction to lead me out of darkness.
[Jesus said,] "I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won't be stumbling through the darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life" (John 8:12). Like a lighthouse, God offers all of us a strong steady light to follow that leads to life.
Adults and children alike occasionally experience dark and stormy nights. Some, complete with lightning flashes and howling winds.
Do you occasionally feel like a helpless ship tossed about with huge waves crashing overhead?
There's total chaos all around you as the storm continues to rage. You want to shout, "I'm going to drown! Help!"
Maybe now is the time to turn toward the eternal light...
"Look! Up ahead! What's that?" (In the quiet corner of your soul a light begins to shine.)
"It's a light, from The Lighthouse!"
"We're saved! We were lost and now we are found!"
If you are going through storms...
If you are searching for purpose...
If you are seeking a new ministry...
If you want to deepen your relationship with God...
What could possibly provide more comfort than the reassuring glow of a lighthouse promising to be for you, "A light to guide you safely home?"

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