That made me think of other occasions in my life when the clouds were so thick and I couldn’t see what was ahead of me. I was forced to trust that someone was guiding me through the darkness toward a safe place. Or, as Paul reminds us:
For we live by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).
As soon-to-be parents, we travel through the clouds of uncertainty, waiting for the first glimpse of our child while knowing the pain and discomfort of pregnancy will be replaced with joy and gratitude.
As our child grows, we navigate the sometimes dark clouds of parenthood — hoping and praying we will do the right things, love, and nurture in the right way, and share the right wisdom and knowledge.
Once our child reaches adolescence, a new cluster of clouds appear. At times, it seems, our child has drifted off into the darkness of another realm. All we can do is pray, try to be patient, and have faith that this, too, will pass.
As our children become adults, they, like us. They will inevitably experience times of trouble and distress, trials, pain, disappointments, and loss. There will be times when these challenges seem too difficult. We’ll become engulfed in the clouds, the darkness will overtake us, and brokenness will consume us as we hurt them.
If you find that you are surrounded by dark clouds and wonder if you will ever break through, keep believing. Keep trusting. Should you get anxious or have doubts, maybe this short prayer will help.
Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground (Psalm 143:10).

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