Special Note:
Please Note:
As Phil will explain in his ToGather video this week, "X" is the the ancient Christian abbreviation for Christ — for example, Xmas is the abbreviation for Christmas! The symbols above are a kind of shorthand for saying:
Christ is greater than everything, and anything, and anyone, ever!
This week's ToGather.church for Sunday, December 6, is ready for you to use a home worship guide for yourself, family, small group, or house church gathering. (Find out more about ToGather.church.)
This weekend's ToGather.church can be found here:
Our focus this week is on the divine greatness of Jesus. He is greater than the Temple. He is Lord of the Sabbath. He is greater than Jonah and the prophets. He is greater than Solomon with all of his wisdom. As the Christ who is "greater than everything, and anything, and anyone," we need to do more than know about his greatness. We must follow him as Lord, obeying what he says and following his example!

Our Verse of the Day comes from Jesus' confrontation with his religious critics. They charged that he was allowing his disciples to violate the Sabbath (Matthew 12:1-2). Jesus countered with two great rabbinic arguments (Matthew 12:3-5) and then challenged his critics to accept his divine greatness:
I tell you that one greater than the temple is here (Matthew 12:6).
Jesus challenged them to see his divine greatness in other ways (Matthew 12:7-8, 41-42).
Phil taps back into this theme of Jesus' greatness by focusing on Colossians 1:15-22 in his Communion reflection. He reminds us that Jesus redefined greatness by using his divine status to serve others at great personal cost and get his hands messy in our sinful world to deliver us and reconcile us to God.
Donna closes out our service with a closing blessing of praise to our God is able (Ephesians 3:20-21).

Special thanks for the use of images related to Jesus' ministry from The Lumo Project and Free Bible Images.
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