Special Note:
The Scripture references in the article that follows are all active links. A few lines of the Scriptures are displayed by hovering your mouse over or lightly tapping the links. A click or firm tap brings up all of the verses in context on a Bible site.
Welcome! We're glad you joined us for ToGather! We trust that today's time of worship in song, prayer, Communion, and Scripture will bless you. Whether you are alone or with friends, family, home group, or house church, please know that God's people from all around the world are joining you in virtual worship. (Find out more.)
Opening with Praise:
This week, our focus for ToGather is on the LORD and his desire to be gracious and compassionate to us as we expectantly wait for God to move in response to our prayers and our needs. Let's "wait" on the LORD with the beautiful hymn, "In His Presence," sung by Hallal music.
Being separated from those we love during the pandemic and this social-distancing time has been emotionally tough for many of us. We miss our physical families, spiritual families, and close friends. Paul's opening prayer in his letter to his brothers and sisters in Philippi is rich in emotion. Paul's words remind us to pray for each other as we are apart. So, let's pray for each other now:
For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus. And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God. [Amen.]
(Philippians 1:8-11 ESV)
After we have concluded our special time of worship, pray this prayer for someone who needs to know that you have prayed for him or her, and then let that person know about your prayer. Doing so is called a note-prayer, which is explained further in that link.
Focusing on Scripture:
In every epoch through which our world has existed, God has not forgotten his faithful people. The God "who is, and who was, and who is to come" (Revelation 1:4) has been with them. He chose to be present and to be gracious to them — and to us! Let's celebrate our God who is gracious and compassionate with the song, "Another in the Fire," sung by Hillsong United. [HillsongNote]
God is full of goodness and mercy. He has faithfully poured his love upon us and now asks us to share this blessing with others. We bless others in many ways.
Phil's message is rooted in our Verse of the Day and the very nature of God:
Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you;therefore he will rise up to show you compassion.
For the LORD is a God of justice.
Blessed are all who wait for him!
(Isaiah 30:18)
Be blessed by Phil's thoughts on our Verse of the Day!
As we rest in God's promise to be gracious and to rise up to show us compassion, we sing our prayer to God to be who he is and to be what he is, "Famous For (I Believe)" led by Tauren Wells and Jenn Johnson:
Sharing the Supper:
John characterized God's gracious love for us by saying:
For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace (John 1:16 ESV).
Jesus was the human embodiment of God's gracious compassion, righteous character, and faithful lovingkindness! He came for us, died for us, and was raised for us. He has sent the Spirit to us so we would never be alone. In Jesus, and because of Jesus, we live from grace to grace! Let's celebrate these truths as we prepare for our time of Communion by singing the song, "Grace to Grace," by Hillsong Worship. [HillsongNote]
Our Communion reflection today is shared with us by Donna and Phil Ware. We come to the Table longing for our Lord to bless and spiritually nourish us. We remind each other that we are not alone in our life of faith. Most of all, we remember Jesus and how desperately our world needs his grace. Let's enter into the Supper today, knowing that the Lord is present and longs to be gracious to us. As we share his Supper, let's also hear his call for us to bless others:
Concluding with Blessing:
God has given his people many great and precious promises over the centuries. Let's remind ourselves of one of those wonderful promises:
"Though the mountains be shakenand the hills be removed,
yet my unfailing love for you will not be shakennor my covenant of peace be removed,"
says the LORD, who has compassion on you.
(Isaiah 54:10)
As we approach the end of our time of special worship, let's honor the Lord by singing "Blessed Be Your Name," led by Hallal Music. This song is a blessing to the Lord for his faithful love and gracious compassion for us:
Let's conclude by remembering Isaiah's promise to us as God's people:
[T]he LORD longs to be gracious to you;therefore he will rise up to show you compassion.
For the LORD is a God of justice.
Blessed are all who wait for him!
(Isaiah 30:18)
Hillsong Note:
God has used flawed mortals to bless his people through prophecies, prayers, sermons, songs, and psalms in the past. That truth does not minimize or excuse any immoral, irresponsible, or abusive behavior. Our prayer is for those broken by life, sin, and church-related wounds whatever their origin. We choose songs for ToGather based on their appropriateness to our theme and for their faithfulness to biblical truth praying that they lead us all to deeper faith, hope, healing, and holiness.
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