Over our 25 years, HEARTLIGHT.org has passed along the creative blessings of many famous authors who graciously shared their writing with our readers. This year as we celebrate "Shining the Light" for a quarter-century, we will repeat some of Phil's previous posts over the years. We hope this emotionally tender one blesses you.
Pronounce it "bless-ed" and not "blest." The blessed are people whom God recognizes as precious. People who are living with the character and compassion of Jesus. People following the Lord's example. In the Lord's eyes, these people are the greatest. God will exalt these precious people and crown them with glory (Philippians 2:5-11). These people are God's blessed ones!
Jesus said it on his last night with his closest followers:
I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly, I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them (John 13:15-17)
In anticipation of his betrayal, abandonment, conviction, ridicule, and crucifixion, Jesus focused on his followers and their needs:
It was just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end (John 13:1).
He washed their feet. He demonstrated in unmistakable actions the role of a sacrificial and loving servant.
- When he could have been worried about his impending ordeal, he prepared his disciples for their confusion and loss.
- When he could have been asking to be comforted, he promised his followers the Comforter, who would come in his place.
- When he could have demanded to be treated like royalty, Israel's King, and God's Son, he made himself nothing and offered himself as an example of loving and sacrificial service.
Then, he commanded his followers — he commanded us — to do the same.
Now look carefully and notice that with his command, the Lord also gave this promise:
Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.
Pronounce it "bless-ed" and not "blest." The blessed are people whom God recognizes as precious. People who are living with the character and compassion of Jesus. People following the Lord's example. In the Lord's eyes, these people are the greatest. God will exalt these precious people and crown them with glory (Philippians 2:5-11). These people are God's blessed ones!

Several years ago, while in Europe for two weeks, I saw some of these blessed ones. They were spouses with loved ones facing some of life's greatest difficulties — a husband with Alzheimer's, a wife with ALS, a husband who is dealing with quadriplegia, and a wife with muscular dystrophy. Rather than abandoning their spouses, these blessed ones were enjoying a vacation of a lifetime with them in some of Europe's most sought-after destinations.
Of course, their part of the "vacation" was more like two weeks of loving work and demanding service. They made a special effort so their precious ones could have a once-in-a-lifetime trip that they could enjoy together while there was still time. These blessed ones did little things that might go unnoticed, but for their precious loved ones, their actions made the trip enjoyable and memorable.
- A wife covering for her husband's missteps socially as he grappled with confusion.
- A husband bathing, dressing, and putting makeup on his wife so she would look great for their events and meals and pushing her wheelchair, so she had access.
- A wife making sure her husband had all he needed to enjoy his time with their kids even though he was confined to a wheelchair.
- A husband who always descended the steps first, walked slowly, offered his arm on rugged terrain to his hobbling wife — a brash and raw man who was gentle and tender with her despite rugged personality.

Pronounce it "bless-ed" and not "blest." The blessed are people whom God recognizes as precious. People who are living with the character and compassion of Jesus. People following the Lord's example. In the Lord's eyes, these people are the greatest. God will exalt these precious people and crown them with glory (Philippians 2:5-11). These people are God's blessed ones!
We take many of our blessings for granted. I am convinced one of the greatest blessings we miss are these blessed ones — these everyday heroes of love, caregiving, and service. Their service is as exhausting as their loved ones' needs are unrelenting. As life's harshest of realities steals away the person they love, they choose to invest, serve, and share the best moments with their loved ones while they still can. Like Jesus, they know the time is short, and they want to love their precious ones to the very end (John 13:1).
So what do we do with these blessed ones?
We notice them and thank God for them.
We affirm them and thank them personally for their examples of service.
We take their spouse to lunch or the movie or on drives or fishing or... We do this so they can have a few hours of their own to rest, run other errands, or do something fun with friends.
We point our children and our grandchildren to them and remind them that these are the real heroes — not the selfish prima donnas of fame and fortune that come with being a movie star, pop star, or athlete.

We DON'T ask what we can do to help. Instead, we actually DO something to help them. What we do doesn't have to be something elaborate. It could be as simple as...
- Getting them a Starbucks card.
- Having their loved one and them over for a special night.
- Mow their yard
- Get their car's oil changed
- Wash their car or laundry.
- Pay for a housekeeper.
- Buy and deliver their groceries.
- Bring them a meal and share it with them while watching a movie together.
- Buy a ticket for an out-of-town family member to come for a visit.
Be creative, and you and a couple of friends could brainstorm a long list of simple, caring acts. The main thing is to DO something and not just ask what needs to be done.
We DON'T feel sorry for them or pity them, but instead, we pray for the Lord to sustain and comfort them through the Holy Spirit, and then we send them notes of encouragement letting them know what we have prayed.
We DON'T ignore them or drop them from our group or our regular circle of relationships, but include them even when they can't participate, getting creative to find ways so they can be involved with their loved ones.
In other words, we find ways to value, affirm, and support these blessed ones and their loved ones whom they live to serve.
Because they need us to be for them who they are for those they love. In the process, as we learn to help them serve, guess what we discover?
We are blessed, too.
Pronounce it "bless-ed" and not "blest." The blessed are people whom God recognizes as precious. People who are living with the character and compassion of Jesus. People following the Lord's example. In the Lord's eyes, these people are the greatest. God will exalt these precious people and crown them with glory (Philippians 2:5-11). These people are God's blessed ones!

Special thanks for the use of images related to Jesus' ministry from The Lumo Project and Free Bible Images for use on this week's post.
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