Welcome to ToGather.church! Our prayer is that you are blessed by this week's worship and emphasis on our Verse of the Day, Romans 5:6-7!

Most of us are familiar with the phrase, "Timing is everything!" While timing isn't everything, it is a crucial element in the impact things have upon us and our world. If an event is relatively unimportant, the timing doesn't matter significantly. On the other hand, if an event is epoch-changing, part of the dynamic that makes the event so transformational is the timing.
Jesus' coming was the most epoch-changing event in human history. God's timing behind the events of salvation history was vitally significant throughout the story of Jesus' life from his birth to his death. Jesus came "when the fullness of time had come" (Galatians 4:4 ESV). Jesus came at the God-determined right time! The Lord made clear throughout his ministry that events both during and after his earthly ministry happen on God's timing (Matthew 4:17, 9:15).NOTE So, we should not be surprised when the apostle Paul spoke powerfully in our Verse for the Day for this week's ToGather about the timing of Jesus' death:
You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:6-7 — Bold added for emphasis.)

The Holy Spirit wants us to know that Jesus is our "Right on Time" Savior! Paul's inspired truth shares God's heart of grace for us. In his video message this week, Phil points out three principles in Paul's declaration of grace:
- Jesus came, "At just the right time."
- Jesus offered, "All He is for all we are not."
- Jesus gave himself "Audaciously for the unworthy."'i>
These three principles are crucial to understanding grace (Ephesians 2:1-10). To emphasize these principles, we can paraphrase the famous passage of John 3:16, which is the foundation on which these principles are based, and then summarize the principles as:
While the timing of this gift was significant, the gift of Jesus was crucial. Without Jesus' willing sacrifice for us, we were hopelessly lost. Because of Jesus, we can be gloriously reborn to live what is genuinely life and life to the full (1 Timothy 6:19; John 10:10).
(Also included in the following Full Worship Video)

To enjoy the full worship with songs, a Communion Reflection, a biblical blessing, and Phil's message, view the video:
NOTE More references are included here for full background information: Mark 13:26, 33; Luke 17:22, 19:44, 21:6-8, 27; John 2:4, 4:21, 5:25-18, 7:8, 30, 8:20, 12:27, 16:2-4, 26, 32. [RETURN To Reading]

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