Maybe it is a sign that I watch too much television, or that I am just irritated by what I consider ridiculous. So...
- I'm tired of the green lizard.
- I'm tired of the ads supposedly staged in front of the statue of liberty.
- I'm tired of the ads with talking buttocks.
- I'm tired of the dancing crabs.
- I'm tired of the bears advertising toilet paper.
- I'm tired of the ads where animals drive cars.
I'm not just tired of annoying television commercials.
- I'm tired of rocks hitting my windshield when I drive down the interstate.
- I'm tired of wearing masks and wondering if I should be wearing one when I'm not.
- I'm tired of (to quote a colleague from a recent talk) acting like a victim.
- I'm tired of being intimidated by and surrendering to fear.
- I'm tired of spending so much energy on stuff, people, and proceedings that I cannot control or change.
- I'm tired of allowing my will and desires to override God's spirit.
Life can get wearisome. As you can tell from my list, there are times when trivial things get the best of me, and it wearies me when I allow that to happen. So, it's the time for a change. So, during this week of soul-searching and reflection, I acknowledge that focusing on the things that irritate and annoy me ACCOMPLISHES NOTHING.
I acknowledge that it prevents me from doing the good that God placed me here to do.
I acknowledge that the good happening around me is where my focus should be.
I further acknowledge that my issues are nothing compared to the pain and suffering of the Ukrainian people, the abuses taking place in our nation, and the sorrow of the people I love.
Most of all, I'm tired of missing opportunities to do good while focusing on the things that tire me! So, I'm committing to a more productive focus:
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers (Galatians 6:9-10).

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