Welcome to this week's ToGather based on our Verse of the Day, Philippians 1:6:
He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Nearly all of us ponder the significance of our lives at one time or another. In the quiet spaces of our lives, we ask ourselves questions like:
- Does what I am doing with my life matter?
- What difference will my life make in the grand scheme of things?
- In a hundred years, will anyone care whether I lived or not?
Most of us want to leave an enduring legacy of goodness, faith, and love for those who follow us. Yet will we live long enough to make that difference, leave that legacy, and pass on our faith? But if we live long enough, will those years matter, make an impact, and be a blessing? These are essential questions to ask as we look at the time, activities, work, and places we invest our time, our money, our energy — what we are and what we have.
With quite a few of us concerned about being able to finish the work we must get done this week, talking about getting finished with our lifetime of work seems impossible. We can't be sure how much time we will have to get that work done. How can we confidently say, "I have finished what God put me on earth to accomplish"?
Jesus was able to say he finished his work (John 19:28-30). Paul claimed he had finished what God had called him to do (2 Timothy 4:6-8). When we get to the end of our lives, will we be able to say we are finished?
In this week's video message, Phil challenges us to live confidently, knowing that God will help us finish everything he wants us to complete. Our lives won't be done too soon!
In addition to Phil's message, the songs Demetrius selected for our full worship video invite us to offer ourselves fully to God and trust that he will deliver us and bring us home to him at the right time. Communion reminds us that Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection ensure our time on earth won't be done too soon. Our closing blessing proclaims that God will bring us to himself.
We pray this week's ToGather blesses you!
We trust that you will be blessed by our time in the Scriptures with Phil's message video on our Verse of the Day and our time in worship with our songs chosen by Demetrius, Communion time, and Phil's message in our full worship video. Let's worship!
In his message, Phil pointed to Jesus and Paul as reminders that we can finish our life's work and accomplish what God wants us to do. We will have time, even if we are not given many years to live.
Why? Because we place our lives in God's capable hands and he is at work in us. We leave our lives' results, impact, and timing to God!
Because we trust in him, God gives us three packages of grace to encourage us as we live for his future:
- The assurance that each of us matters to God!
- The reminder that each of our lives of faith will impact those around us eternally.
- The promise that God ensures that our efforts for him and for others will not end too soon — we will accomplish God's goals for us as he works through us.
The full worship video leads us to open our hearts to God and his love as we sing, share the Lord's Supper, pray, and share a closing blessing. We pray the Holy Spirit fills and empowers you as we worship!
Special thanks for the use of images related to Jesus' ministry from The Lumo Project and Free Bible Images for use in both ToGather videos.

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