Thom Lemmons reminds us that we all need grace.
06/08/2012 by Thom Lemmons
The fear of death is instinctive, but Jesus came to free us from living as slaves to that fear
06/06/2012 by Tim Archer
Phil Ware begins a series of messages on the "I AM" sayings of the Bible.
06/04/2012 by Phil Ware
Make your preacher's day, listen and learn.
06/01/2012 by Bill Denton
Christians have three clear reasons to get up and go to work. Provide for our families, show God's glory, and help others.
05/30/2012 by Steve Ridgell
Ron Rose reminds us that we can be someone who argues or someone who is known for loving others.
05/29/2012 by Ron Rose
Phil Ware continues his series on Greater Things from Acts 3-4 and this one focuses on The Boldness Prayer of Acts 4:23-31.
05/27/2012 by Phil Ware
Rubel Shelly reminds us that our pedigree and genealogy doesn't make us Christian, but our discipleship does.
05/26/2012 by Rubel Shelly
During my nine day visit to Africa, I experienced a number of things: policemen in Malawi toting weapons asking for a ride to their headquarters about five miles away, bicycles as transports for almost everything, friendliness of the people, security for
05/23/2012 by Bill Brant
Ron Rose talks about moving from waiting to tell the story to being the story in someone's life today.
05/22/2012 by Ron Rose
Phil Ware reminds us of our purpose of being on the journey and living for Jesus call and mission and vision in our lives.
05/20/2012 by Phil Ware
Rick Brown talks about how we can accomplish the Great Commission in our world today, the same as they did it long ago.
05/18/2012 by Rick Brown
God wants to place his light inside of us. He wants to make us shine brighter than the sun.
05/16/2012 by Tim Archer
Tom Norvell uses Matthew 6:25 and several translations (NIV, Message, and KJV translations) to help drive home Jesus' point and that many of us who look good on the outside are filled with worry on the inside, worry Jesus wants to take off our shoulders.
05/15/2012 by Tom Norvell
Phil Ware describes several passages of Scripture that use the image of a mother bird or a woman in labor to express their love for new Christians, and then says this is the highest compliment a mom can receive.
05/13/2012 by Phil Ware
Rubel Shelly reminds us to not assume and to be willing to ask questions and listen so we truly understand what is being said.
05/11/2012 by Rubel Shelly
Some people think Christianity is just about following rules written for a time that does not reflect our world today. Not so.
05/09/2012 by Steve Ridgell
Phil Ware continues to talk about the greater things the early church experienced in the opening days of the believers following Jesus and in this case, genuine fellowship, sharing and having life in common, is key.
05/06/2012 by Phil Ware
Rubel Shelly reminds us to live life expecting it to be an adventure with Jesus in which we are surprised and learn new things again and again.
05/04/2012 by Rubel Shelly
Creations shows us God, if we're only willing to look.
05/02/2012 by Tim Archer
Phil Ware continues his series on greater things focusing on 'the name of the Lord' and the power and presence of Jesus that fed the expectation that God would surprise his people with greater things.
04/29/2012 by Phil Ware
Rubel Shelly reminds us that there is a time for everything as long as it is kept in its place and we remain balanced in our lives with the correct priorities.
04/27/2012 by Rubel Shelly
The gift of Jesus is free to us. That does not mean it is easy.
04/25/2012 by Steve Ridgell
And while David says, “My sin is always before me” (Psalm 51:2), he is also attributed as saying, “Your word I have hidden in my heart that I might not sin against you” (Psalm 119:11). If you know the story of David, his choices had consequences to the e
04/18/2012 by Bill Brant
Rick Brown writes of Johnny Brown in Bermuda who greets and welcomes and shares greetings with people six hours each day.
04/17/2012 by Rick Brown