Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:7-8).
MO is at Black Rifle Coffee, Beyond Black is in the cup, a BRCC (Black Rifle Coffee Company) mix is on the playlist, and God is in the room helping me write about tender legacies of grace and faith.

Dave and Sherri used to go to travel to San Saba for Easter. All the women in that little church wore corsages. It was tradition.
Not that long ago, Sherri stood in my living room and shared this powerful story:
The first year we didn't go to San Saba for Easter was when Laurie, our little girl, was seven. Well, that year I didn't get a corsage, and I didn't think much about it.
When Easter morning came around, little Laurie marched right up to me and stuck out her hand. She had worked and worked on a gift for me, a homemade corsage. It was different: colorful and carefully glued together, all made out of pieces of construction paper, using an old pearl pin as its base.
"Here momma," she said.
"Oh, honey, it's beautiful," I lied.
We hugged, and I got up to leave, but I picked up her little gift and pinned it on!
"If my daughter made this," I thought to myself, "then I am going to wear it, regardless of what it looks like."
Laurie beamed with pride.
After the Easter service was over, we were standing in the aisle visiting when one of the older ladies, Betty, was her name, walked up wearing a lovely white orchid. She smiled and said softly, "Sherri, you have the prettiest corsage in this room. The prettiest!"
We both smiled, but I beamed with pride, "My daughter made it!"

"Well, last week," Sherri continued, "I was cleaning out my closet and found that old corsage. This time I teared up. 'My little girl made this...' And, I remembered... Betty."
Sherri looked me in the eye and said, "Betty was sent by God, whether she realized it or not, to encourage a young mother struggling to be the best she could be."
We shared a teary smile.
And Betty's gift has outlived her. And... this story has outlived Sherri.
Thank you, Abba, for surprise encouragers with gifts of lasting value... they make our eyes leak and our faces smile.

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