Articles Tagged '' (Page 79)

Roads Without Potholes

Why would we ever want potholes in the road?

Rubel Shelly writes about potholes, discouragement, disappointments, pain, grief, wounds that occur in our lives and how they are part of the fabric of life and necessary to develop our character.

Got a Problem with God?

Are you willing to find some answers?

Ron Rose talks about dealing with pain and disappointments with God by tracking down the issues and finding the truth and not just living in pain and bitterness.

Let's DO It!

What's got you stuck in neutral?

Phil Ware looks at the last chapter of the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 7, and emphasizes Jesus' call to us to obey, put into practice, bear fruit, and do what he says.


Do we really want the message of God homogenized and filtered by someone else?

To know what God says we must, like the young woman in Tanzania, read the Bible. We must become people of the Book, again.

Finding Help When Devastation Hits

What does this have to do with Phil Campbell

Rick Brown reminds us that community, church, family, can make a huge difference in our lives when devastation hits.

Play to Your Strengths

Use the best of what the Lord has given you to honor him?

Rubel Shelly talks about using your strengths and interests to do your best and honor God.

Sunny Morning

One morning seemed brighter than all the rest

There is no cleansing like the one that God gives us when we give our life to Him.

Learning Financial Literacy

Finally a plan that could help our university students before it's too late!

Rubel Shelly offers Dave Ramsey's online course for college credit to help students learn the principles of financial management.

Spiritual Zombies

Isn't it time to live — I mean, really be alive!

Ron Rose writes about people living like spiritual dead people.

We Need Rest

Don't you sense this need?

Tom Norvell reminds us of our need for rest and to rest in Jesus, in God, and in the Spirit.

Come Away With Me

How depleted are you?

Phil Ware writes on withdrawal and rest with the Savior and our need for his grace and mercy and blessing and power and support and prayer and strength.

Dog Bites and Life

How do you survive when life takes a bite out of you?

Life is hard, and the terrible things in this world sometimes happen when we least expect. How do we cope?

The National Debt

How did we get into this mess?

Rubel Shelly is talking about money and debt and solutions to it at a national and personal level.

A Promised Pardon

Billy the Kid is still waiting

We all need a pardon from God, forgiveness for our sins. But He won't make us wait.

Down the Hill, Waiting for the Return

How can you compare these two things?

Phil Ware continues his series on the mission trip to Sagrada Familia, The Community in Lima, Peru, and ties it in this article or post to Jesus' ascension.

No Problema

With such an emotional tomorrow, can we stay focused on today?

Phil Ware continues his series on his trip to Sagrada Familia.

If the Shoe Fits

Are you chosen?

Phil Ware continues his series of reflections based on his Sagrada Familia mission trip to the orphans of The Community.

I Understand This

There are simply things I don't get!

Phil Ware continues his series on Sagrada Familia and the children of the Community and relates it this time to the words he prays in the Lord's Prayer.


Who can you not wait to see?

Phil Ware continues to tell about his 2011 trip to The Community, Sagrada Familia in Lima, Peru.


Where's his voice calling you?

Phil Ware talks about the call of Abraham and the trip to The Community he and the team going there is about to embark upon.

Touchable Grace

Jesus is God made touchable!

Phil Ware introduces his trip to Comunidad de Los Niños Sagrada Familia in Lima, Peru, and the children that Jesus wants touched with his grace.

What We See At Church

What are you looking at?

Many problems arise when we spend our time looking at church people rather than the One the church belongs to.

The News Behind the News

Do you ever get a glimpse of God behind the stories we hear everyday?

Ron Rose reminds us that God stories are everywhere, but don't make the press because God's work can't be nailed down to a snippet, a spin, a sound byte, or a headline.

The Father's Love

How deep is His love for us?

Tom Norvell reminds us of the overwhelming deep love the Father has for us and reminds us that he gives us glimpses of this in a good father's relationship and love for his children.

My Father

Why is it so important that God be called Father?

Phil Ware continues his series on the Prodigal Son called the Journey Home about the God we all need to be our Father.