Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:17-18).
MO is at Black Rifle Coffee, Beyond Black is in the cup, silence is on the playlist, and God is in the room energizing rabbits.

When things don't come together, and the pieces don't fit, and when I can't fix it, I pray about it... then get ticked — it bugs me more than it should. I want life to be smooth and seamless — almost heavenly: holy and peaceful — the way I think it should be.
However, real life is never seamless.
Instead of responding to my requests, Abba whispers, "Let's chase rabbits!"
For most of my life, I have lived to make everything work out — smooth the edges, save the day, look good, and be the hero. That's good, right?
God says, "Hold on, that's my job!"
The Bible talks of surrender, submitting, yielding, and accepting… He calls those things strengths... Ummmmm!
As a man, I'm still wrestling with that. I want to take the bull by the horns and make it work... that's my bad... it's missing the point. Life is not about making me look good, it's all about making God look good — He's the hero. After all, David is not the hero in the Goliath story, God is... Ummmmm!
So every time I try to be God, He steps in and says… "Let's chase some rabbits."
After all these years, I see it — it makes crazy sense!
I love the Tim Burton quote: "Every story has a beginning, a middle, and an end...not necessarily in that order."
Pay attention to the rabbits; they appear in times of frustration and roadblocks, when people let you down, or craziness overwhelms you.
That's when I want answers, yet all I seem to get are more questions.
In the past, my only response is… "What's wrong with these people?"
Abba used rabbit chases to teach me about surrender. After all, salvation itself is all about surrendering, yielding, and accepting the love of God. Call it “The Great Humbling!” The grace that changes us, after all, is not about us at all. God is the hero of that long, long, humbling, and welcoming hug of grace!
When I quit trying to do God's job, I found myself chasing a big rabbit — or maybe sets of them. God replaced my desire to be the hero with His call to join Him in the chase — a new chapter to His story. While I waited, at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end, He wrote my story...
Facing the rabbit is humbling... much of the time, I am unsure what I'm chasing, but isn't that what faith requires: uncertainty?
We may be lost in the middle of being found. Just follow the rabbit. Trust God, He is already doing His thing.
He shapes us in the middle of our surrender; while we are still sitting there, wondering and unfinished. Only God works like that. So, keep following the rabbit. Surrender to the chase, It's an adventure embedded in mystery. Remember: God is are not!
We are His backstory. We don't see the demons standing near; we don't know the secrets yet untold or the baggage still to be unpacked. Ummmmm.
So, today I wait for the rabbit. I surrender to the chase. I try to live so people will see God as the hero. I choose to make God look good.
Abba loves the rabbits, and he loves our struggles and hero searches. The surrender hugs last longer…He loves me in spite of my attempts at replacing Him!
A new day has dawned... I surrender. Where's the rabbit?

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