All (Page 10) Articles 2005 Archives

Pinch of the Willy-Goo

What in the world is willy goo?

A wise woman who loved, encouraged and disciplined her children.

What I Dun in Texas!

Are you a person of talk or action?

A cowboy helps us ask ourselves whether or not we are all talk or if we walk the talk?

The Fire

What needs to burn down in your world?

A fire burned down a church building but rebuilt a church.

A Mom Takes Her Stand

What's a mom to do?

A mom reminds us how to use a gentle answer to deal with a difficult problem.


What do you do when you've been wronged?

Forgiveness is not easy, but it is God's way.

50 Days of Grace

What has happened in your life the last 7 weeks?

Jesus used the 50 days after Pentecost to change and transform the broken disciples into world-changers.

The White Rose

Why the different color roses?

White and red roses mean something special on Mothers' Day.


Is your marriage really hopeless?

Infidelity wrecks lives and destroys families, but only by coming to the truth can its impact be healed.

A Difficult Word

What's your toughtest word to spell in your lifestyle?

One way to learn the art of reconciliation is to look at the word as meaning re-cancellation -- cancelling the debt, the sin, the hurt between us and another.

The Master Gardener

What's growing in your personal flower beds?

God is the master gardener and works in our lives to get rid of what is dead and overgrown.

The Art of Listening

What is the most important thing you listen to each day?

One a mom's greatest responsibilities is to listen to her family, her children, and her God.

Workplace Faith

Where did Jesus find his followers?

Our Christian life is lived out in our workplace much more than in our church attendance!

Finding the Presence of Christ

Where will we find Jesus in the middle of our messes?

We will find the presence of Jesus in our lives when we are willing to be his presence in the lives of others.

The One Egg Special

How can they be the same and yet so different?

Sometimes differences aren't as large as they appear in the big scheme of things.

To Be a Mockingbird

Would you still sing without your tree?

A mockingbird reminds Bill about our need to find satisfaction in what we have.

Use or Lose!

Are you using what God has given you?

God has given us all special abilities. If we use them, then God is glorified, but if we don't, we'll lose those abilities.

Developing Trust

Where do you think you'll find real trust?

Trial, temptation, trouble, and testing are in the same neighborhood with trust: we're not going to get the one we want without experiencing the ones we dont!

Game Over

When will it all stop?

The comparison game hurts us no matter what side of the game we play on.

Secular or Sacred?

Is work secular or sacred space?

Every space is holy when a Christian inhabits it.

Made for Ministry

What is the heart of real ministry?

Ministry is basically two things: giving and serving!

Minimum Daily Requirement for Christian Parents

What's the least you can do for your children?

There are many simple things we can and must do to help our children have faith!

Confused about Spirituality?

What does it really mean to be spiritual?

Most people are baffled and empty headed in terms of real spirituality?

What's Her Name?

Do you know your janitor's name?

A story reminds us of how important it is to know people by their name and treat them with dignity.

A Decision Even the Supreme Court Cannot Overturn

Where did you get your rights?

In a weird ironic way, Mirand rights and Jesus go together.

Father of Lies

Whose voice do you listen to?

Satan is the Father of lies and tries to get us to believe his cruel and ugly lies.