All (Page 11) Articles 2005 Archives

The Rub of New Shoes

How long will you wear yours?

A new pair of shoes helps Mike figure out why we need some traditions.

What Do You Want Them to Be?

When all is said and done, what will you be?

When we grow up, we want to be like Jesus!

Wait on the Lord!

How long would you wait?

Waiting on the Lord is not easy, but in Psalm 27, we can find the basis of doing that waiting.

Hope and Joy!

Where do you find your hope and joy?

Two adopted children help Joe remember again the hope and joy he has in God.`

Do Not Disturb!

How long would you wait?

Sometimes it seems that we can't get through to God no matter how long we wait on him.

Waiting in Line

How long would you wait?

While we end up having to wait for many things in our lives, this one thing that is worthy waiting for!

Be Still!

Can you actually be still?

God is calling us to be still, but he sometimes has to do radical things to get us to listen!

Reclaiming Our Lost Identity

What does God do with those times in our lives we'd like to forget?

Remembering the past by way of dogtags is hard, but sometimes liberating and a reminder that God can take our past and make something special out of it.

Together and Everything in Common

One thing church must supply!

Church must be more than a gathering of strangers, there must be genuine and real community and fellowship.

We Have Seen the Lord

Have you seen Him lately?

Even though they did not recognize Jesus at first, he was with those early disciples all along. All they had to do was keep looking for him.

Be Still

When was the last time you paused to listen for God?

Be still, slow down, quit going at a break neck pace and know that God is God.

Afraid to Speak Up?

What would keep you from putting in a good word for Jesus?

We must always be willing to speak up for Jesus!

How Sweet Is Revenge?

Is revenge really so great, or is it just a way to sink deeper?

Revenge always brings us down to a lower level and often gets us in worse trouble.

When I Can't, He Can!

What can't you do?

While we may think we can't make a difference in the lives of troubled teens, with God's help, we can.

Cozying Up to a Holy God

When is it wrong to try to portray God as our friend?

Displaying our faith is laudable if it is backed up by a life committed to living what we say; otherwise, it's dangerous!

God in a Box

Where do you worship?

Worhip is more than what happens on Sunday in our holy box.

Broken by Sin?

What do we do with sinners?

We must be tough on sin but offer mercy and forgiveness for those who are truly repentant.

Survival Life

How can we be the ultimate survivor?

We are all in a battle for survivor, but God can help us through.


What's the greatest reunion you hope to enjoy?

The resurrection is our term for reunion -- that day we anticipate and for which we plan.

Batter Up!

When you hate baseball, why would you ever love it?

When we delight in someone, their desires become our own, and that's especially important when you have a little boy who loves baseball or a Father in heaven who loves you.

The Last Word

Who has the final say in our lives?

Death has been defeated by Jesus' resurrection so we need to only ask whether or not we belong to him.

Friends with Forever Purpose

What in the world did were they for?

Jesus' resurrection fills all of our life with meaning.

Hearts Filled with Springtime

Can hope be reborn in a cold and hardened heart?

Just as Spring brings new life, God gives us reason to hope.

No Good Deed Left Unpunished

Why can't we see the good in kindness?

Unwillingness to receive a gift is sad: mean-ness, unkindness, and rejection are even worse, whether the gift is cookies or a cross.

Giving without Regret

How do you feel when the gift you gave is not appreciated?

Sometimes our gifts are treated with contempt, other times are misused, but either way, we are most like God when we give without strings attached.